enign prostati hyperplasia, also known as enlarge prostate, affets millions of men worlwie, an in many ases, the onition oes not require meial treatment. Some men may want to try natural remeies suh as green tea an other everages along with traitional meial presriptions for this onition. In this artile you an hek out the est teas for prostate:
People often all green tea a “superfoo.” Numerous stuies have shown its potential health enefits. Some of these inlue:
- ariovasular protetion;
- holesterol management;
- neuroprotetive effets.
rinking green tea may also have positive effets on the prostate glan. However, its onnetion to prostate health is primarily ue to researh linking it to protetion against prostate aner, not prostate enlargement. Researh has foun that people who take 5 milligrams of a len of green an lak tea etrats show improve urine flow, reue inflammation, an improve quality of life in just 6 weeks.
Matha is the highest grae of green tea an omes in powere form. Matha oes ontain affeine, however, so it may not e suitale for everyone. hoose a high-quality matha power to make tea. You an also use it for ulinary purposes.
Nettle root tea may e a helpful tea for prostate isease. A 15 stuy in ault male rats foun that nettle root etrat may prevent some of the effets of enign prostati hyperplasia when taken for 6 weeks.
Hiisus tea has many health enefits. It is high in antioiants, may help lower loo pressure, an finings from test-tue stuies suggest it may help slow the growth of prostate aner ells. Its tart, tangy flavor makes it a pleasant rink. You an use rie or fresh hiisus flowers to make the tea.
Fin out whih nuts help the prostate an rea aout the est foos for the prostate.