We all know that there is nothing tastier and more healthy than anything that is homemade. For this reason, we all try to eat something delicious, prepared according to our grandmother's homemade recipes.
To make a delicious homemade fruit yogurt, you will need:
1. Milk - 3 cups
2. Yogurt - 7 tsp.
3. Homemade jam (of your choice) - 4-5 tbsp.
4. Liquid cream - 1 tea cup
5. Crystal sugar - 5 tsp. (up to 10)
6. Pieces of fruit - optional
To make yogurt, boil the milk and cream in a saucepan. Once they have boiled, let them cool until they're just warm, but not hot.
In the prepared in advance 7 jars put a teaspoon of yogurt.
Add the warm milk and cream to them and mix everything lightly. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar (or less) to each jar and mix until the sugar has melted and then a teaspoon of jam and pieces of fruit is added.
Once everything is mixed well, the jars are placed in a container and left at room temperature, covered with something thick (jacket, blanket, duvet), for about 2-3 hours.
You will know that the fruit yogurt is ready when the milk has set.