To prepare Raisins yourself, use only seedless grapes. Otherwise, the seeds will change the taste of the raisins and they will be bitter.
Boil five liters of water and add one hundred grams of baking soda to it. Drop the grapes in clusters, leaving them in for no more than three seconds.
Therefore, it is recommended to run clusters through one by one. This is done to remove the invisible layer of wax, which is placed on fruits to make them more durable.
Moreover, the grains form microscopic holes through which moisture will evaporate. Otherwise, drying will take too much time.

Remove the stalks from the pan, allow the water to drain away from them. If you use grapes with very large grains, cut them in half.
Dry the grapes in a ventilated room on a grid or mesh. When ready, distribute the raisins in glass jars and close them well, so as not to moisten them.
Drying raisins in the sun is not recommended, because they attract too many insects that like to suck the sweet juice of grapes.
If left out, the raisins can be dampened by rain and accidental splashes can cause them to fester, leading to the destruction of much of the grapes.
You can dry the grapes in the oven, but this requires a lot of patience. You can dry them after treatment with water and baking soda for many hours, at about thirty degrees temperature.