All cosmetologists unanimously state that the use of natural oils has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. All natural oils have many properties, thanks to which the face and hair will shine with beauty and health. Any of the natural oils can be purchased in stores, in beautiful packaging and with a list of all the beneficial properties of this product.
But you can make oil at home and as a matter of fact you can do it yourself. We will try to figure out how to make coconut oil at home, without spending a lot of time and energy. Just try to understand how and what it can be used for.
Preparing homemade coconut oil
The main thing is to choose ripened fruits and follow all the rules and tips. The recipe for obtaining oil requires water.
First, you need to pierce the coconuts and extract the liquid from them. The liquid can be used for culinary purposes or simply for drinking. It is quite pleasant to the taste and is very healthy.
After extracting the liquid, the coconut meat must be divided into parts. This is the most difficult point in the preparation of coconut oil. For this stage, you will need strength and a tool. For example, a hammer or an ax.
Then you need to separate the shell from the coconut meat. If the coconut is divided into very small pieces, then you do not need to clean them. The shell also contains many useful substances.
The next step is to puree the meat of the fruit. For this, you can use a blender. In the absence of this appliance, you can use a grater. When grinding in a blender, add a little water. This is necessary to prevent the coconut from sticking to the walls of the container.
The finished mass must be placed in a deep container and poured with hot water. The water should cover it. The coconut mass covered with water must be left to cool for at least two hours.
After the mass has cooled, the container must be placed in a cold place. For example, in a refrigerator for at least twelve hours.
After twelve hours, the container can be removed from the refrigerator. The top frozen layer is the coconut oil.
After we have created coconut oil at home, it is necessary to proceed with the necessary sequence. You need to collect the entire amount of oil obtained in a metal container and turn it into a liquid in a water bath.
The resulting liquid must be filtered, thus removing the remaining particles.
After all these manipulations, the coconut liquid must be poured into a glass jar and placed in the refrigerator.
The product is ready!
Just do not forget that the shelf life of this oil is no more than 14 days. And it must be stored in a cold place!
Find out how to make coconut cream and find out how to cook with coconut oil.