Melbourne researchers discovered that those who ate red meat 10 or more times a week had a 50 percent higher risk of macular degeneration than those who ate meat 4 or fewer times a week.
In the regions where soursop is well known, it has been used to treat numerous diseases for centuries - the exotic fruit can even treat coughs and runny nose.
The juice from pears has been used for millennia in Chinese medicine. It's recommended for lung diseases since it helps decrease the amount of phlegm and soothes the throat.
Blueberry juice has the unique ability to locate the bacteria in the urinary tract responsible for the inflammatory processes and change their thermodynamic properties.
Alcohol with diet Coke. The sugar in Coke is quickly absorbed by the intestines, which also leads to the faster absorption of the alcohol you're drinking with your Coke.
Mint is a proven means of helping the stomach absorb food faster. The herb is also excellent for speeding up metabolism, as well as decreasing appetite. Experts recommend drinking 2 cups of mint iced tea every day.
Apricots - if you're suffering from anemia or have liver problems, these need to be on your food plate regularly. Eggplants - this vegetable does a whole lot for the emotional state of a person.
A cucumber is most beneficial when picked after it has ripened and seeds have formed in it. Its seeds contain twice the number of minerals as those in the rind.
An example of losing weight the easy way is adding a little spiciness to the dish. This will enhance its aroma and help curb your appetite. A glass of water also affects appetite, drinking at least 2 glasses before meals unleashes their effect.
Bitter foods may actually turn out to be a real health remedy for humans. According to Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine, all diseases can be cured through stimulation of the taste receptors in the tongue. Taste therapy is also based on this.
Carbonated drinks - besides not quenching thirst, sodas speed up the body's dehydration due to their high amounts of sugar. Fast food - the greatest source of unhealthy fats is fast food such as burgers, sandwiches and French fries.