Cooking Tips & Tricks

Cooking Tips

Cooking tips on preparing various recipes, a wide selection of spices, tips on storage of ingredients and other insider secrets from the world of chefs. Find the most useful cooking tips for the modern housewife. Try our culinary tips and give us your rating.
Sauerkraut Recipes from Around the WorldSauerkraut Recipes from Around the World
03 Apr.
Sauerkraut is actually a German specialty. In Germany they find wide applications for it. An especially popular recipe is pork shank over sauerkraut.
Popular Scandinavian DishesPopular Scandinavian Dishes
01 Apr.
To separate Norwegian, Danish and Swedish cuisines is nearly impossible since they basically do not exist individually. Instead they have one that unites all Scandinavian nations - Scandinavian cuisine.
Culinary Traditions in IndonesiaCulinary Traditions in Indonesia
27 Mar.
As with most countries in Southeast Asia, the culinary traditions of Indonesia have been influenced by the gastronomic intervention of the island's conquerors throughout the centuries.
Characteristics of Thai CuisineCharacteristics of Thai Cuisine
09 Mar.
Thai cuisine is a type of Asian cuisine that is traditionally famous for its exotic taste of spices, combined with sweet and sour.
What Do you Know about Swiss Cuisine?What Do you Know about Swiss Cuisine?
27 Feb.
Swiss cuisine has been highly influenced by French, German and Italian culinary traditions but also possesses its own unique dishes and cooking recipes. Baked goods are a real delicacy in Swiss cuisine.
Peculiarities of Japanese CuisinePeculiarities of Japanese Cuisine
20 Feb.
Japanese cuisine, even though it is part of Asian cuisine, differs substantially in some of its characteristics. Without exception, Japanese cuisine stresses the use of fresh products.
Tips for Selecting and Buying KnivesTips for Selecting and Buying Knives
12 Feb.
First, think about what knife types you need. There is an abundance of shapes and sizes to choose from, depending on your style of cooking and habits. One good solution is a knife set that any kitchen can use.
When, How and How Much Saffron to Add to DishesWhen, How and How Much Saffron to Add to Dishes
26 Jan.
Saffron is usually found on its own in recipes. Rarely is it combined with other spices - those being black pepper and garlic only. It is enough to provide a unique taste, color and aroma.
Intricacies in Crumbing with CornflakesIntricacies in Crumbing with Cornflakes
21 Jan.
Dishes crumbed with cornflakes possess a profoundly more attractive appearance and taste than the products fried in the traditional method. Cornflakes can be used to crumb or bake salty, as well as sweet dishes.
Culinary Use of Black BeansCulinary Use of Black Beans
20 Jan.
In cooking, black beans are used a lot like common beans. They are found in the ingredients of numerous salads, soups, meat and meatless dishes. The ever popular bean soup can also be prepared from them.
Clever Tricks for Cleaning Kitchen Appliances and CookwareClever Tricks for Cleaning Kitchen Appliances and Cookware
13 Jan.
To keep your home clean and cozy, you should clean it at least once a week. But if you do not have a strong detergent on hand, there's no need to despair. You will find everything you need in your kitchen cabinets and drawers.
Culinary Use of PistachiosCulinary Use of Pistachios
12 Jan.
Pistachio nuts are eaten whole. They are eaten fresh, as well as roasted, usually salted. Some people prefer them caramelized. Pistachios are put in baklava and cake stuffing.
Culinary Use of TrufflesCulinary Use of Truffles
05 Jan.
In combination with eggs, meat and some types of cheeses, they transform the meal into a true high-class banquet. Truffles are cut very finely and used to sprinkle many different types of dishes - ones with meat, fish, vegetables.