It is now grape season and it would practically be a crime if you were not to reap all of the possible benefits of this unbelievably delicious and healthy fruit.
If you eat grapes regularly you will notice the difference - the absence of nervous strain, the lightness in your stomach will be tangible, and migraines and regular headaches will become foreign sensations to you. The amount of health benefits that grapes provide a person are beyond belief.
Even chronic constipation finds a treatment when this fruit gets involved in the battle. Furthermore, 1 cluster of grapes per day can help us not only with indigestion but also fatigue, impaired renal function, macular degeneration and preventing cataracts.

Grapes have a remarkably rich and diverse content of nutrients and play a crucial role in ensuring a healthy and energy-filled life.
This tasty fruit owes all of this to the high amounts of vitamins A, С, В6 and folic acid, found in light or dark grapes. These are in addition to key elements, such as potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. 4/5 cup (200 g) of grapes give our body a flavonoid bomb; flavonoids being extremely potent antioxidants - they reduce the harm done by free radicals and slow aging.
If you're suffering from a migraine, your best ally is grape juice, an easy and effective method for treating migraine at home. Drink a cup of grape juice early in the morning, without adding any additional water.

Grapes play a key role in indigestion by soothing the burning sensation and healing stomach inflammation. They are recommended for gastrointestinal disorders because they are a light food.
Grapes are a very effective tool against constipation, helping get rid of that bloated stomach feeling and heaviness. It is considered a laxative food mostly due to its content of organic acids, sugar and cellulose. All of these benefits contribute to grapes' influence on overall body health.
A cluster of grapes per day gets rid of fatigue, with the juice from white grapes filling up iron reserves in the body and preventing the occurrence of that down feeling. However, it's good to know that dark grapes reduce the levels of iron.
Grapes are also beneficial for the kidneys, being able to significantly decrease uric acidity and helping remove it from the body.