»Articles»Useful Advice»Cleansing the Body with Beetroots and Turnips in Winter

Cleansing the Body with Beetroots and Turnips in Winter

Plamena M.Plamena M.
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Beetroot salad

Beetroots and turnips, as well as all root vegetables are often encountered but also often neglected as autumn-winter products. Having been well known since ancient times, they are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. And especially during the cold and flu season, they can replace an entire row of drugs in the medicine cabinet.

Beetroots can charge the body with energy and decrease blood pressure. They help protect against cancer, curb arthritis pain and aid in weight loss. Kohlrabi, on its part, strengthens the immune system, fills in the gaps of many microelement deficiencies, especially potassium and vitamin C, which protects us from viruses.

The Jerusalem artichoke (earth apple) contains a substance that protects against colon cancer. Besides all this, these vegetables have a cleansing effect on the stomach, as well as on the blood vessels.

Some of the best products for fixing weight problems are root vegetables. Not only are they low in calories and high in dietary fiber, they also block the transformation of carbohydrates into fat.

By including them in your daily menu, not only will you protect yourself from excess pounds, you will also cleanse your body. For fast-acting results, you can use the following diet plan:


Day 1

Breakfast: 7 oz of boiled beetroots (cut into cubes), with 1 cup of yoghurt.

Lunch: Grilled or boiled chicken breasts without the skin, salad made from kohlrabi and carrots, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

4 PM: One handful of raw almonds.

Dinner: A salad made from grated turnips and a small can of shrimp, seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, parsley, some salt, 1 slice of wholegrain bread.

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 slice of rye bread, smeared thinly with cottage cheese and garnished with slices of Jerusalem artichoke, a cup of green tea with honey.

Lunch: Cream soup made from 7 oz of beetroots, 1 potato and spices to taste, along with 2 tablespoons of croutons made from wholegrain bread, toasted with a little olive oil.

4 PM: 5-6 dried apricots.

Dinner: Salad from kohlrabi and carrots, seasoned to taste, a slice of ham, 2 wholegrain crackers, 1 small cluster of grapes.

Day 3

Breakfast: A cup of low-fat yoghurt with 2 tbsp of oatmeal, a piece of sliced Jerusalem artichoke, 1 tbsp of sunflower seeds.

Lunch: 4 oz of fish, grilled or steamed, grated kohlrabi salad, seasoned with 1 tsp of olive oil and lemon juice.

4 PM: 1 apple.

Carrot salad

Dinner: 9 oz of boiled beetroots, with a dressing made of 1 tbsp of olive oil, spices to taste and grated feta cheese, 1 slice of brown bread, 1 chocolate granola bar.

Day 4

Breakfast: A sandwich made from 1 slice of wholegrain bread, smeared with chutney, a slice of cheese, 1 Jerusalem artichoke.

Lunch: A bowl of boiled rice with 7 oz of beetroots and a parsnip, boiled and cut into cubes, seasoned with soya sauce and black pepper.

4 PM: 2 wholegrain biscuits.

Dinner: A large salad from grated turnips and carrots, 1 boiled egg and 4-5 black olives, seasoned with 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a little salt.

Day 5

Breakfast: 1 slice of rye bread, smeared with cottage cheese, a slice of turkey ham, a cup of green tea with a little honey.

Lunch: The insides of 2 boiled potatoes, mixed with the insides of grated kohlrabi, seasoned to taste. The carved potatoes are stuffed with this mixture, grated with cheese on top and baked in the oven.

4 PM: 1 fruit of your choice.

Dinner: 3 oz of lean pork, grilled or stewed, 9 oz of beetroots boiled and stewed in butter, 1 slice of rye bread.
