»Articles»Curiosities»The Best Detox Juices

The Best Detox Juices

Diana IvanovaDiana Ivanova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
The Best Detox Juices

Many vegetables, fruit and leafy greens have special properties that can speed up the binding and elimination of toxins. Juices prepared from them improve the condition of the intestines, soften and eliminate fecal stones, waste deposits that often cause bad breath.

Excretion occurs naturally with waste products and sweat. This is why their diuretic and laxative properties are so valuable.

Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, detox juices do not work immediately. The effect is cumulative, which allows you to adjust the intensity of the impact on the body with a focus on your own condition.

Some juices have a choleretic (biliary) effect, which is very important if the goal is to unload and cleanse the liver, restore its filtering functions.

Changing the composition and density of blood is also possible if the right combination of products is chosen for this purpose.

Detox juices include types that stimulate the removal of toxic substances from internal systems. To maintain the maximum level of nutrients in them, they must:

- be freshly squeezed;

- to be without heat treatment;

- prepared only from ripe fruit and vegetables.

It is also desirable to choose local products, since the export options undergo specialized processing to extend the shelf life, which obviously does not bring any benefit. An exception is frozen fruit, which in this state preserves the original set of vitamins and minerals.

The list of products that you can make a detox juice from is quite long. Leading the list: beets, cucumber, melons, citrus fruit. Recipes for detox juices are varied, they can be single-ingredient or include a whole bunch of flavors. That's why it's so easy to stay within the juice detox program without experiencing hunger and taste monotony. The menu is chosen depending on the goals and personal preferences.

Juice detox preparation

Detox Juices

Detox programs are of different duration. The simplest and least stressful is one day a week of juice fasting. This will improve the health and mood. It is especially effective after a long period of holidays, when you need to restore the functions of the intestines and remove the unpleasant heaviness in the stomach.

The next longest one is the three-day diet. It gives more obvious results, but also provokes serious changes in the internal balance. The massive release of toxins can cause dizziness, diarrhea and confusion. That is temporary, but you need to mentally prepare for it.

Longer juice detox programs require special preparation. To do this, first determine the goal of detoxification. This can be improvement of the condition of the skin, restoration of bowel function, complex detox or weight loss. Based on this, recipes are selected and the duration of the diet is determined, which can be carried out for up to 10 days.

Possible contraindications must be taken into account, which can be diabetes, stomach ulcers, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and fever. The preparation itself consists in gradually replacing the familiar dishes with fresh vegetables, fruit and nuts. After that, it's easy to move on to juices.

Conducting a juice detox

First of all, to prevent the feeling of hunger, the daily amount of food is divided into 5-6 parts and the principles of fractional feeding are used. In the diet there should be only juices, without pulp. The volume of liquid, including pure drinking water, should be at least 2.5-3 L. You cannot use ready-made products that are sold in stores for detoxification diet, otherwise the expected effect will not be achieved. Everything must be prepared by yourself, just before use.

For balance, it is necessary to include equally fruit and vegetable juices in the diet. By only consuming fruit you can get a sharp drop in glucose levels, which is dangerous for undiagnosed diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

In addition, green and leafy vegetables contain the highest concentration of substances that accelerate the removal of toxins and ensure the activation of intestinal motility.

It is better to make multi-component cocktails from these products and use them as a main meal, leaving sweets as a treat and a snack.

Coming out of the juice detox

You should not stop the detox program suddenly. The only exception is the day of fasting and then you should not immediately load the stomach with heavy food. For long programs this is even more not recommended. The process needs to go smoothly, from adding vegetable pulp and puréed soups, to gradually returning to the usual diet.

To maintain the detox effect for a long time, it is recommended to completely revise your principles of nutrition and increase the amount of healthy food, minimizing the presence of fast food, semi-cooked products, salt, sugar, marinades.

Example recipes for detox juices


There are a huge number of different options for preparing vegetable and fruit mixtures. It is only necessary to take into account their compatibility and the properties of each product individually. For example beetroot juice is very concentrated, it should not be drunk straight away without preparation. And it's even better to combine it with carrot or pumpkin.

The main factor in the selection of ingredients is not only the benefits and predicted results of the use of the product, but also personal preferences. A serving of freshly squeezed juice or cocktail should please the eye and the sense of smell. If they cause negative sensations or associations, then such nutrition will not bring benefits. In order to ensure yourself a sufficient choice, it is worth taking into account a few interesting recipes in advance.

Green mix

Only fully ripe products are used for it. It is composed of 2 medium green apples, a small cucumber, 2-3 stalks of celery, juice of half a lemon, 100 g of kale leaves, ginger shavings and a sprig of mint to enrich the taste. The ingredients are placed in the juicer and the resulting product is ready for consumption. It is not recommended to leave it in the vessel for more than 30-40 minutes.

Red cocktail

The base is beetroot juice. It is made in advance and left to "rest" for half an hour. During this time, lemon, carrots and apples are prepared in equal proportions. They are peeled and the seeds are also passed through the juicer. The resulting mixture is then combined with beetroot juice and blended in a blender, until a smooth mixture is obtained. The taste is slightly tart with distinct acidity. Perfectly quenches hunger, because the consistency is dense, filling even in the absence of pulp. It is recommended to use this recipe in the morning.

Vitamin juice

With reduced immunity and frequent colds, it is recommended to consume this recipe. The drink quickly increases the body's defenses, while simultaneously removing toxins that interfere with the full functioning of the immune system.

Ingredients: 2 apples, kale, spinach, 1 lemon, a piece of ginger no more than 2 cm thick, 5 g of honey. These detox juice recipes from a juicer are designed for quick preparation and immediate consumption, they are delicate, taste very good and evoke only positive emotions.

Advantages and disadvantages of detox juices


The juice detox diet is very popular, because it gives a quick result in the form of improved well-being, does not require much effort and large financial costs. Most of the ingredients are available throughout the year. Program benefits include:

- mild effect on the body;

- enrichment with vitamins and other useful substances;

- a variety of tastes;

- possibility to create an individual menu;

- energy increase;

- normalization of intestinal microflora;

- improvement of the absorption process of micro- and macroelements;

- the return of deep sleep, facilitating the process of falling asleep.

In addition, the condition of the hair and nails gradually improves, the skin acquires a healthy glow, inflammation disappears and the functionss of the intestines normalizes. This results in smaller portions with faster satiety. Body weight decreases, the structure of blood vessels is restored, cholesterol plaques are eliminated.

Juice detox also has its drawbacks. These include possible dizziness, diarrhea, protein deficiency. To avoid such phenomena, you should carefully monitor changes in your condition or carry out detoxification under the supervision of qualified specialists.

To combat the feeling of hunger that invariably arises from the lack of solid food, it is advisable to choose some activities for yourself, including a little exercise or a walk in the park in your daily routine and to remove all tempting treats from your range. Morality and will are of great importance. You must clearly understand the purpose of detoxification and focus on the inner sensations, noting the changes that occur.

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