»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Sealing Meat - How and Why?

Sealing Meat - How and Why?

Maria SimovaMaria Simova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Sealing meat - how and why

Although vegetarianism is gaining popularity today, meat and sausages continue to be among the staple foods of the world. Vegetables and fruit are the leading healthy food, but there are some established benefits of eating meat.

Nutritionists say there must be a balance. Protein is essential for good health as it provides essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized by the body and must be taken in with food. Proteins enter the structure of muscles and are a key element in maintaining immunity. And to provide the body with these amino acids, we need to combine two types of protein: plant and animal. But it should be noted that unlike plant proteins, animal proteins contain more essential amino acids.

Fish meat is an excellent source of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins (A, B12, D, E) and minerals (potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, selenium). Regular consumption of fish meat prevents osteoporosis, inflammation, anemia, accelerates heartburn, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, can have positive effects in depression and bipolar disorder and increases calcium intake in the body.

Chicken meat is a rich source of minerals, trace elements and vitamins, providing in various proportions most of the B-complex vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K, E, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Selenium in chicken plays an important role in several metabolic processes, including the metabolism of thyroid hormones, and has a particularly important role in maintaining high immunity. Selected in abundance in poultry, selenium can prevent cataracts and heart disease.

Beef is an important source of iron. It is also rich in vitamin B content, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and useful creatine in the development of muscle mass and carnitine, responsible for maintaining normal metabolism. Beef also has vitamin E, an important antioxidant with benefits for the skin or vascular system, also called the vitamin of youth and fertility.

Lamb meat

Lamb meat has high nutritional value and is an easily digestible source of iron and zinc. It is essential for strengthening the bone system and tissue repair. It also contains an essential amino acid that is rarely found in other hair types that provides the body with energy. It is rich in many nutrients, including protein, iron, vitamin B12, zinc, selenium. It also contains manganese, selenium, copper, folic acid and antioxidants.

Duck meat provides a healthy digestive system and improves the nervous system. It also strengthens the immune system and ensures the development of the body. It is a good source of protein, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, iron, zinc, vitamin B-6 and thiamine and lower amounts of vitamin B-12, folic acid and magnesium.

Meat is very important for the proper functioning of the body due to its high content of high quality proteins and minerals. That is why we have to eat it in different forms. But in addition to being healthy, it must also be deliciously prepared.

How to make the perfect steak at home? The question is not simple. There are many specifics, starting with what type of stove you have and ending with the type and material of the pan, the type of steak and its thickness.

A technique that could help you treat your loved ones with a delicious meat dish is the so-called meat sealing. Here are the features of this process.

1. Remove the steak from the package and remove the moisture from it with kitchen paper. Wait until the meat is warmed to room temperature;

2. If you have a large piece of meat to seal, cut into steaks. Remember that it is important to cut against the fibers if the piece of meat allows you. The thickness of the steak varies from 2.5 cm to 4 cm;

How to seal meat

3. Lightly grease it with olive oil for frying or plain sunflower oil. In no case should you use olive oil for salads, it smells of olives and has a low burning temperature;

4. Place the pan onto maximum temperature and seal the steak on both sides for 2 minutes on each side;

5. Reduce the temperature to 2/3 of the maximum and cook it to the desired and desired color;

6. Place the steak on a wooden board or warm dish to rest for 5 minutes;

7. Cut the steak, season it with salt and black pepper and enjoy the excellent meat. Remember, black pepper must be freshly ground and the salt to be properly selected.

Here are some more tips for sealing meat.

The thickness of the steak is extremely important. Steaks up to 2.5 cm thick (about 2 fingers) are cooked only in a pan.

Steaks over 2.5 cm thick are sealed in a pan and baked, until they're fully cooked in the oven at 180°C.

A steak less than 2.5 cm thick is sealed for 2-3 minutes on each side. Each extra centimeter thicker than 2.5 cm is added for another two minutes to the cooking time.

Seal the meat according to your taste. With the sealing, the surface of the meat caramelizes and it aquires the fried taste that we love very much. An excellent result is obtained if, after sealing, the meat is baked in a casserole or with foil. In such cases, the meat is cooked in its own sauce and turns out to be excellent, even without an appetizing meat marinade and other additives.

To practice your meat sealing skills, see our pan-seared steak recipes and oven-baked steaks, as well as roasted meat.



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