Fresh meat has specific characteristics to check, before you give your money to the store. On the surface, fresh meat is lightly crusted with a lightly pink look about it.
When you press a finger into fresh meat, the pressure hole quickly disappears and the meat goes back to its original shape. When in contact with fresh meat, your palm stays dry.
Where meat is cut, it does not stick to your hands. Meat the leaks juice after cutting, has just been defrosted, or is not fresh.
The fat of the fresh meat is soft, cream-colored and uniform, which can vary to reddish-white. Yellow fat is a sure sign that the meat is not fresh.

Fresh meat is distinguished in that the muscles and tendons are tight fitting to the bone. The smell of meat is special, but not bad.
The characteristic of fresh veal color is red for beef - pink and gray, for mutton - brownish-red, for pork-white, or pink.
The smell of different meats is also decisive for their freshness. The smell is determined at room temperature after a slight cut with a knife.
The smell of raw beef is specific, but much less pronounced. When the meat is cooked, the flavor is nice and strong.
Raw pork is almost odorless and boiled pork is sweet and has a pleasant fragrance. Specific odor reminiscent of ammonia is offered by mutton and boiled mutton smells of rich beef stew, or beef.
Meat from older sheep has an unpleasant odor which is felt when boiled. Beef, which has been stored for long, gets the distinct odor of old meat. Frozen meat does not smell.