»Tips»Why Doesn't Coffee Have am Effect on Me?

Why Doesn't Coffee Have am Effect on Me?

Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Why Doesn't Coffee Have am Effect on Me?

Between 83% and 90% of people in the world start their day off with a cup of aromatic coffee. The main reason for this is that, thanks to its active ingredient caffeine, it invigorates us and helps us refresh ourselves after sleep, as well as it fills us up with energy, in order to start off the new day and face its challenges.

Caffeine is an alkaloid with a bitter taste, which is defined as a psychotropic substance that stimulates the central nervous system. It causes a temporary effect by increasing concentration and attention in such a way that it keeps you awake (drives away sleep) and alert (with sharpened senses).

It's interesting, however, that this drink does not work the same way for all people - for some the effect is weaker and for others it is non-existent.

If you notice that coffee does not work for you, that is, you do not feel it energising you and awakening your senses, as its effect should be, it does not necessarily mean that your drink is of poor quality or you are accidentally bought decaffeinated coffee.

The reason lies in the unique genes of each of us, as well as the enzymes in our liver that break it down and to some extent the metabolism, which is unique for each individual.

The researchers located two areas in the DNA that are close to the BDNF and SLC6A4 genes and found that they are responsible for the way coffee affects the brain.

And because each organism is different and has its own specific genes, the effect of coffee intake is different.

If coffee doesn't work for you, find another invigorating substance that will produce the desired effect, since you can't change your genes.

It does not interfere with you drinking coffee, just for pleasure and to enjoy its aroma, even if it does not have its energising effect on you. Quality espresso or cappuccino are always good choices.



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