Useful Advice

Useful Advice

Find useful advice on the benefits and dangers of deferent foods, vitamins and minerals. See which of them are good for what.
The Mexican Sweet Potato - Wild YamsThe Mexican Sweet Potato - Wild Yams
16 May
Even back in the 18th and 19th centuries, herbalists would use the wild sweet potato to alleviate menstrual pains and problems dealing with birth, as well as for stomach pains and coughs.
Fish Protect Women Against DepressionFish Protect Women Against Depression
14 May
At a summit meeting in Brighton, it was announced that eating fish protected people against depression. According to them, the reason is the presence of omega-3 fatty acids in the composition of fish delicacies.
Eat Green Vegetables for Youthfulness and BeautyEat Green Vegetables for Youthfulness and Beauty
13 May
The green gifts of nature are the secret to eternal beauty, youthfulness and a good body tone. There are a great number of benefits of vegetables with a green hue, while at the same time they do not have a single negative effect on the body.
Nutritional Value and Benefits of ApplesNutritional Value and Benefits of Apples
13 May
Apples are loved throughout the world for their juicy and sweet taste, as well as for their nutritional value. Even though we know they are nutritious, many of us may wonder how exactly they are beneficial.
14 Misconceptions about Food that Harm us14 Misconceptions about Food that Harm us
07 May
Not long ago, scientists debunked some facts pertaining to coffee, eggs, bread and how and when we should eat. According to the latest studies carried out by experts, low-calorie and low fat foods can even cause greater harm.
Spices for a Better MemorySpices for a Better Memory
07 May
The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in rosemary deal with the damage caused by free radicals in the brain. The herb contains carnosic acid, which actually protects the brain against Alzheimer's.
Diet Drinks and Heart DiseaseDiet Drinks and Heart Disease
30 Apr.
It has been found that people who consume one or more soda drink per day, whether diet or regular, have more than a 50 percent chance of getting metabolic syndrome, when compared to those who consumed less than one soda per day.
More Leeks, Less CholesterolMore Leeks, Less Cholesterol
30 Apr.
Research shows that consumption of vegetables from the Allium genus is incredibly beneficial for the body. Eating them at least twice a week protects us from colon, stomach and prostate cancer, and also lowers cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Health Benefits of MintHealth Benefits of Mint
29 Apr.
The levels of beneficial essential oils in mint leaves depend on the variety and climatic conditions, but they are always present. The most high-quality mint oils contain up to 50-60 percent menthol.
5 Healthy Products Which May Cause Harm5 Healthy Products Which May Cause Harm
28 Apr.
The excessive consumption of spices, as is known, leads to the formation of ulcers. In addition, turmeric thins the blood, which may cause heavy bleeding of wounds or during an operation.
Borage Against Bronchitis and ColdsBorage Against Bronchitis and Colds
25 Apr.
Borage has many health benefits. Among them are its ability to treat bronchitis and colds. It is also used for all kinds of infections of the respiratory airways. Borage oil is applied for skin problems.
Lapacho Against CancerLapacho Against Cancer
23 Apr.
The results of various studies showed that lapacho stimulates the production of red blood cells and improves oxygen circulation in the body. The bark of the tree contains more than 20 active elements.
Flavorful Strawberries Protect the HeartFlavorful Strawberries Protect the Heart
22 Apr.
The levels of cholesterol in those who ate strawberries fell by 10 percent. It is believed that the health benefits are due to an antioxidant in the red fruits.