According to the researchers, gum chewing stimulates the nerves and muscles of the jaw, which in turn send signals to that part of the brain that deals with appetite and the feeling of satiety.
Because of all of its properties, lavender is one of the most widely used in folk medicine. Inhalations with lavender oil (3-4 drops) are done if suffering from cold related ailments.
Tea made from savory quickly alleviates symptoms of bronchitis. Regular consumption of the remedy soothes gastric distress and reduces gas. The herb also eases digestion.
The herbalist and healer Maria Treben used lady's bedstraw for various diseases of the thyroid. Treben claimed that she managed to cure herself of larynx and tongue cancer only using tea and washings from lady's bedstraw.
Broad beans, besides in cooking, are used to regulate the function of the digestive system. This is due to the cellulose found in them, which increases the rate of metabolism. This also explains their wide application in diets.
Hawthorn is an herb which when used regularly can improve heart function. It is recommended for people who are hypertensive and it is also believed that it increases physical and mental ability.
To alleviate sore throat, make a compress using a paper towel, black pepper and pork lard. Smear the paper towel with the lard and sprinkle generously with the ground black pepper. Then apply the compression and wrap it with a wool scarf.
The sour fruit helps the body by improving its ability to absorb iron, which is key for the immune system. Lemons are also often recommended in the battle against skin aging, which women pay close attention to, especially after a certain age.
At first glance, it seems illogical for fiber to help against diarrhea, since it is so useful in preventing constipation. But this is a fact! Consumption of high fiber foods helps in bowel regulation.
Green tea aids digestion, improves appetite, speeds up the processing of fat. It destroys microbes, cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates the brain and refreshes. It has a diuretic effect, gets rid of bad breath and quenches thirst.
Put both of your fists together - you will get the size of the stomach of an average person. That is exactly how much food you need in order to supply your body with its required amounts, and a little extra for storage.