We have decided to reveal to you a few different recipes with cream cheese - all of them will be salty. We have chosen appetizers, salty treats, muffins and eclairs. We begin with the easier and quicker recipes.
For the eclair filling, you will have to mix around 1 1/5 cups of cream cheese and 1/3 cup of sour cream. To this, add spices to taste; it's best for them to be fresh - a sprig of parsley, a sprig of dill, some green onions. Blend the ingredients and stuff the already prepared eclairs. The filling should be thick - if you feel that the cream cheese is not enough, add some more.
Here is a variation of the ever popular muffins, but this time made with a salty filling of cream cheese and some walnuts to taste:

Muffins with cream cheese, basil and walnuts
Ingredients: 2 eggs, 3/4 cups of oil, 1 cup of yoghurt, 2 cups of flour, 1/2 packet of baking powder, 4/5 cup of cream cheese, walnuts, basil.
Preparation: Create the filling by first whisking the eggs, oil and yoghurt. Then gradually add in the flour and baking powder. Put in about 4/5 cup of cream cheese and stir until homogeneous. Finally, add a few pinches of basil. Fill up the muffin forms and sprinkle some chopped walnuts on top. Bake in a moderately preheated oven until browned.

Following the delicious muffins, it's time for the salty treats. To make them, what you will need for the dough are around 2/3 cup of butter and cream cheese, flour, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp of baking soda, 1 egg, sesame seeds.
First mix the butter and cream cheese in an appropriate container, and then add the whisked egg to them. Then begin to pour in the sifted flour, that you have mixed with the baking soda and salt. The goal is for the dough not to stick to your hands. Then roll it out and cut out the desired shapes, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top - arrange in a greased tray and bake until browned.

Our final proposal is a great choice for a winter appetizer.
Baked potatoes with cream cheese
Ingredients: 4-5 large potatoes, 2/3 cup of cream cheese, 2 sprigs of leeks, butter, sausages, black pepper, oregano.
Preparation: Boil the potatoes but not fully. Then cut them into halves and carve out the insides of each potato. Arrange the potato halves in a greased tray. Chop the insides finely and add the cream cheese.
Stew the leeks, which you have cut into thin round slices, in a saucepan, then add the sausages to fry slightly as well. Mix the leeks and sausages with the chopped potatoes and cream cheese, add spices to taste - black pepper, oregano or savory. Fill the hollowed out potato shells and place a piece of butter on top of each. Bake at 360°F (180 °C) until golden. Sprinkle cheese on top if desired.