The best thing about cooking is that we can combine flavors any way we wish, until we find the perfect one for us. Recipes can always be altered, we can add and remove ingredients for variety, or because something is not to our taste.
With that in mind - fruits are more often seen as dessert, but a great many of them can be combined with salty dishes as well, something that has long been established in world cuisine. Take a look at some options for salty goodies with pears.
Salty pie with pears and 2 types of cheese
Ingredients: puff pastry, 2 pears, 2/5 cup walnuts, 2 oz parmesan, blue cheese, water and the juice of a lemon.
Preparation: Choose a suitable tray, in which to place the puff pastry - the goal is to have the edges of the puff pastry spill out of it. Pierce that which is along the bottom of the tray with a fork. Grind the walnuts or chop them into pieces, then mix them along with the grated parmesan.

Remove the seeds from the pears and slice them into strips - submerge each one carefully in a bowl with water and lemon juice. Leave the pieces of pears like this for 10 min, then place them in a colander to drain.
Sprinkle walnuts and parmesan generously on the puff pastry, then begin arranging the pieces of pears. Dice the blue cheese finely and arrange it on top of and around the pear pieces.
If desired, sprinkle the top again, but only with walnuts this time. Then fold in the puff pastry that is spilling out of the tray on top of the pears and bake in an oven, preheated to 330°F (165 °C).
The next proposal is an appetizer, that is very easy to make and for which you will need few ingredients, but will surely be loved by your guests.

Stuffed pears with a salty filling
Ingredients: 3 - 4 pears, 6.5 oz of Roquefort cheese, lemon juice, 4 tablespoons honey, nuts if desired.
Preparation: First, cut the pears lengthwise and remove the seeds. Then pour in 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice in the holes. In a bowl, mash the Roquefort, along with the honey and nuts, which you have finely chopped beforehand.
Stuff the pears with this filling and place in the oven at about 360°F (180 °C). You will notice that the cheese starts to bake - that is when they are ready.
The last recipe is also an appetizer and contains blue cheese. The truth is, cheeses and the taste of pears complement each other exceptionally well, and when combined with nuts of some kind, the taste becomes indescribable.
Salty-sweet balls of pears with blue cheese
Ingredients: 3 pears, 9 oz of blue cheese, walnuts, 1 tablespoon honey or other nuts taste.
Preparation: Chop the pears into very small pieces, along with the cheese. Chop the walnuts finely as well. Combine everything in a bowl and add the honey - stir. Begin shaping small balls from the mixture. Once you shape them, roll them in walnuts, arrange in a plate and leave them to cool in the refrigerator.