»Articles»Cooking Tips & Tricks»Proper storage of eggs

Proper storage of eggs

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Proper storage of eggs is extremely important, especially in the days after Easter, when there are a lot of eggs around. The issue of their storage directly affects our health.

Fresh eggs have salmonella. It is good not to eat eggs that are too soft. Salmonella disease is found primarily in the yolk, but it may be found in the egg whites, so you have to be careful.

Very important when buying eggs is to buy them from a place where they were kept cold. At home, eggs should sit only in the fridge.

Salmonella bacteria grow rapidly at room temperature, so you should not venture out and leave the eggs in the long room.

The most common place to store eggs is the refrigerator door. It turns out that this is not very appropriate. Keep eggs in the coldest spot of your refrigerator.

Do not stockpile large quantities of eggs, buy the necessary amount for the real needs of your household. It is recommended that raw eggs should be used within three weeks of purchase.

If you make something with the yolks or the whites of the egg and the unused portions have gathered in the refrigerator, you must know that it can be stored for no more than four days.

Consumption of hard boiled eggs protects you from a few dangers. This is a statement on which doctors are adamant. After boiling, the eggs must be refrigerated and stowed in the refrigerator. It's best for boiled eggs to be eaten within a week.

As is normal, quite a few eggs remain after Easter, it actually turns out that it is advisable not to ever eat them. According to specialists, dyed eggs kept outside the refrigerator for more than two hours should be discarded.

The best of all solutions for these eggs is to quickly make an egg salad and utilize them all. After clearing the table, immediately store them in a cool place, but those who were decorating the table are simply discarded.


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