Although back in 2014, the following message was published on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry: Additional checks of chicken meat did not show the presence of growth hormones. Experts at the Food Safety Agency examined additional samples from both poultry flocks and slaughterhouses. The samples are outside the current National Monitoring Program for Residue Control, which is being implemented constantly... During the monitoring studies, no unregulated use of growth promoters was detected and the inspections covered over 70 percent of the poultry flocks. Many people continue to not believe that they can eat healthily by consuming chicken meat.
We will not argue with them at all, because really these days, if a person does not raise chickens and hens themselves, there is almost no guarantee of what exactly the chicken meat they have purchased is. It is very likely that it is full of hormones, antibiotics, or other harmful additives.
That is why in this article we will show you 5 methods by which you can somewhat remove hormones from the chicken and get rid of the unwanted ingredients in it, so that you can continue to enjoy it.

1. The most efficient method for removing hormones from chicken is to boil it and throw away the broth. Yes, it sounds like a nightmare for most cooks who are used to even storing chicken broth in various forms (frozen, canned, etc.). Such actions are worth doing only if the chicken or hen is truly farm raised.
2. After you have boiled the chicken, be sure to remove its skin. In the past, this was done solely for the purpose of a more dietary purpose, but nowadays it is also a good method to get rid of the hormones contained in chicken meat.
3. The most hormones are found in chicken livers. If you have purchased a chicken that also contains its entrails, simply throw them away.

4. If you have enough time and no one is tapping their fork on the table impatiently for the chicken meat to be served at the table, then marinate it for about 3 hours in a mixture of 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and the juice of half a lemon. Only then start cooking it, but remember not to overdo it with the salt.
5. Despite the somewhat shocking prices, "bet" on chicken meat that is explicitly labeled as free-range.
Find out how to clean chicken, should chicken be washed before cooking and how to remove chicken skin.