»Culinary Collections»How to Remove Stains From Pots and Pans

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and remove the seeds.
Boil the water on the stove in a suitable pot along with the sugar....

It is pressed with the fingers and small oblong pieces of sugar pearls come out from below on baking paper. They are left to dry....

Remove it from the mixer and transfer it on a floured surface and on baking paper to form a rectangle with your hands, which is about 10″ (25 cm)...

Deglaze with the wine and leave it for 30 seconds, in order for the alcohol to evaporate and only leave its aroma....

When it boils, remove it from the heat and let it cool completely for a few hours. Then put it in the fridge for a few more hours....

It is poured over the fruit again and left for a few more hours. Repeat, until the syrup aquires the desired thickness....

The amount of water can vary from a few teaspoons to a few tablespoons depending on the thickness you want to achieve....

You have to stand over the stove all the time, because the foam that appears, if not removed, falls to the bottom and starts to burn....

It is not just what we eat, but how. Do not swallow air, also do not eat too fast and do not over eat....

Find out how to clean chicken, should chicken be washed before cooking and how to remove chicken skin....
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