Although we're starting to pay more and more attention to our bodies, oral health often takes a back seat, especially when it comes to food choices.
Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is a function of oral hygiene, which includes brushing, flossing, and gargling with various waters and decoctions. But what you eat and drink is also very important for the health of the oral cavity and the strength of the gums and teeth. Here's what you should include in your diet to avoid dental problems.
Milk and dairy products
Milk and other dairy products are rich in calcium, which is great for bones and teeth. Milk also contains casein, which neutralizes acid levels in the mouth. White cheese is another great dairy option, because it triggers the secretion of saliva, which is nature's best teeth and mouth cleaner. The probiotics in yogurt are also great for oral and dental health.
Cruciferous vegetables and fruit
Cruciferous vegetables and fresh fruit are usually high in fiber, which means you should chew your food well. This increases the strength of the teeth and gums. In addition, they are rich in many essential vitamins and minerals, which improve the overall oral health and immunity.

Raw onion
The true miracle of nature for teeth and gums is raw onion. It may not be pleasant to eat, but a slice of raw onion consumed daily works wonders to kill all the bad bacterial infestations in your mouth. It has excellent antimicrobial benefits for dental health.
Food particles often become lodged in the teeth and leaving them there for extended periods of time can lead to the growth of bacteria. Water is the best cleanser, because of its natural pH balance, so don't try to replace it with teas and coffees (tannins and caffeine can stain your teeth, causing more harm than good) or sugary drinks (sugar is the worst culprit for dental problems).
Shiitake Mushrooms
Shiitake mushrooms offer a diverse list of dental health benefits. Regular consumption prevents plaque build-up. They are rich in a compound called lentinan, which removes bad bacteria from the gums.