Casein is the main protein in the milk of all mammals. It is found in milk in conjunction with calcium. In milk, casein is in the form of small particles suspended in a liquid form of casein and is sometimes referred to as caseinogen. Cow's milk contains about 3% casein (by volume). Casein accounts for 80% of the total protein in milk.
Casein is a group of proteins called phosphoprotein. Like all proteins, it is made up of many different amino acids, joined to each other in a peptide bond.
Casein is a complete, high quality, slow digesting protein that provides the body with adequate amounts of all essential amino acids. Casein provides the body a weaker but continuous flow of amino acids in the blood. Used as a dietary supplement, your food should be enriched with protein. If involved in active sports and when dealing with power sports, apply casein protein at night because it is absorbed more slowly and delivers amino acids to your body throughout the night.
Casein is derived from milk - 75% of the protein in milk is casein and 25% whey. Both ingredients are high-quality proteins. Milk whey is known as a "fast protein" because it quickly breaks down into amino acids, which are absorbed into the blood, making it ideal for post workout. Casein, in turn, is processed more slowly, so it is suitable to supply the body with a constant supply of protein in small portions for a long time.

How casein is obtained
Casein is obtained in various ways, one of which is the fact that to milk is added a small amount of acid. This is free of casein calcium. Another way to obtain casein is fermentation, causing milk clotting. In the industrial field, to obtain casein, milk is processed through a centrifuge that separates its fat, then a slightly alkaline solution is added.
Then again, centrifuges help to clear traces of fat. Add an acid-based solution to get the maximum casein. The finished whey mixture is washed, which washes away the acid and dried at low temperature because casein is sensitive to heat.
Selection and purchase of casein
Marketed as a dietary supplement micelaren, milk or casein are available. For most efficient operation is considered the casein micelle and its culprit exact is a supplement that makes a lump in the stomach, which provides a longer charge the body with protein. According to experts, micellar casein is a good choice for slow protein release with high quality and efficiency.
Benefits of casein
Athletes appreciate casein supplements. Many practitioners use Casein protein at night, because it is absorbed more slowly, as already mentioned. When you consider the casein causes a lumpy stomach, thereby slowing the emptying of the stomach, which in turn slows down the rate at which amino acids are absorbed into the blood. Delivers a constant level of amino acids over a long period of time.
But we must be aware that casein is an important foodstuff. Good source of casein are dairy products, in particular milk and cheese. It applies to the enrichment of food with protein. It is prescribed with curative intent in many diseases associated with protein deficiency, depletion of the body’s energy and chronic fatigue.
The most important functions of casein can be summarized in four major groups:
- Supports fat loss. Many people who are trying to lose fat, move away from the consumption of dairy foods. As seen, a form of casein protein, has a high content of calcium. Studies show that people who combine high calcium intake with normal protein intake for a period of 24 hours, spend more fecal fat and their energy consumption is about 350 kJ greater than those receiving lower levels of calcium ;
- Preserves muscle mass. Everyone who is on a low calorie diet is concerned about the loss of muscle mass. This is because it does not provide enough calories needed for the energy the body needs during the day. Thus the body is forced to turn to the already accumulated fat deposits. In the best case, this energy will be taken from fat, but in worst case - the muscles. Therefore, an intake of casein can compensate for the loss of muscle mass;
- Casein is a high quality protein. It is one of the highest quality proteins and therefore its utilization is much better. The more inferior a protein, the less amount of it is absorbed into the body;
- Prevents colon cancer. Scientists in Australia have found that dairy products are much better foods for preventing colon cancer, compared with other sources of protein.
Dosage of casein
Add 10 to 120 g casein to 20-40 g of whey protein to make perfect shakes after a workout. It is recommended that you ingest 20 to 40 g casein just before bedtime. Those of you who are trying to build muscle can drink 20-40 grams of casein shakes between meals.