

Minerals and information on them and their use. Types of minerals . Descriptions, properties and uses for different minerals.
06 Dec.
03 Dec.
Rosi Stoyanova
23 Mar.
Rosi Stoyanova
13 Jan.
Manganese is a mineral that is involved in many enzyme systems in the body. Manganese plays an important role in the treatment of a number of diseases.
29 Dec.
Phosphorus is a mineral and an important element for the development of bones and soft tissues. Phosphorus deficiency, phosphorus overdose and phosphorus application.
27 Dec.
Did you know that the mineral selenium prevents stress, helps the thyroid gland and is useful in preventing cancer. Functions and deficiency of selenium.
24 Dec.
Magnesium is mostly found in the bones of the human body and in the muscles. Magnesium deficiency leads to softening and weakening of the bones. Magnesium sources and foods.
11 June
Lycopene plays an important role in the prevention or treatment of a number of diseases. Find out what lycopene is and which foods contain lycopene.
Free RadicalsFree Radicals
22 May
In a normal state, free radicals are present in every human. The effects of free radicals on the human body. Harm from free radicals.
15 May
Tannins are polymeric phenolic compounds, which are most common in plants. Tannins are used as food coloring. Benefits of tannins.
24 Mar.
Glycosides are molecules where a sugar is bound to something else. Glycosides play several important roles in living things. Many plants store vital substances in the form of inactive glycosides.
22 Mar.
Vanadium is a micronutrient that ensures and simultaneously improves the occurrence of metabolic processes in the human body. Vanadium has been proven to prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels and therefore, heart problems.
22 Mar.
Phytosterols, also known as stanols, are plant oils that play a very important role in the major processes that occur in the human body. One of the main functions of phytosterols is lowering bad cholesterol levels.
15 June
The main function of silicon is that of a structural element. The aging of cells in the body is linked to shortage of silicon, which is also responsible for the metabolic processes in the body.
05 May
Alkaloids are natural nitrogenous substances that have a physiological effect on the human nervous system. Alkaloids are usually derived from amino acids. There are several thousand known alkaloids, some of them highly toxic.
Deficiency and Intake of IronDeficiency and Intake of Iron
20 Mar.
A study has shown that 30 percent of the population is suffering from iron deficiency. The amount of iron in the human body is about 4-5 g, while the daily loss is about 1 mg.