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Silicon is the 2nd most abundant element on Earth after oxygen. This mineral is exceptionally important to the human body, present primarily in the form of silicic acid.

Benefits of Silicon

The main function of silicon is that of a structural element. The aging of cells in the body is linked to shortage of silicon, which is also responsible for the metabolic processes in the body. Without silicon, tissues have no solidity and elasticity.

Silicon is an extraordinarily important mineral for the immune system. The unique thing about it is that it's capable of trapping various pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses and fungi and successfully removing them from the body. An unbelievable fact is that it has the function of choice - meaning that it traps and removes only the harmful bacteria, leaving the beneficial bacteria in the body.

Maintaining sufficient amounts of silicon in the body means that it reacts to even the slightest symptom of dangerous microorganisms and the probability of getting sick is very low.

Silicon is an antagonist to calcium, meaning that during a shortage of silicon, calcification occurs in the body. It is of prime importance to monitor the silicon levels in the body because there is no organ, tissue or system in which it does not play a role.


Pregnant women, breastfeeding women and young children require higher levels of silicon than others. In a growing body, where its most important systems, ensuring the link between mind and body, are still being built, silicon has a key function. It controls the proper growth and development of the person. Silicon deficiency leads to problems with bone structure, heart valves, tendons, teeth, endocrine glands and others.

The organs that maintain the highest reserves of silicon in the body are the heart, lymph nodes and thyroid gland. During a health problem, silicon progressively depletes its reserves, which is why it's important for people who get sick more frequently or have a chronic illness to supplement themselves with silicon.

Back in 1912, a German doctor found that silicon had the ability to block the development of atherosclerosis. 40 years later, facts confirmed lower observable levels of silicon in blood vessel walls of atherosclerosis patients.

The next beneficial action of silicon is its influence on nerve fiber conduction and functions of certain brain structures. It provides energy to that part of the brain responsible for control and coordination in space. As such, getting tired quickly, overall weakness, distractedness and irritability may be symptoms of so-called silicic anemia.

According to many modern day scientists, the process of aging in humans is owed to a great extent to silicon deficiency. With aging, the quantities of this element in the body decrease. This is an irreversible process but by taking supplements with food it is possible to overcome the deficiency.

Some data indicate that silicon plays an active role in the metabolism of a whole lot of vitally important minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine, sulfur and others. It's been proven to play an incredibly important role in carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism, as well as in the synthesis of a very important protein - collagen, which to a great extent determines the condition of hair, skin, nails, joints, tendons and more.

Deficiency of Silicon


The symptoms that may be indicative of silicon deficiency are constant fatigue, distractedness, thinning hair, brittle nails, premature skin aging, excessively weak or underdeveloped bone system.

Sources of Silicon

The best food sources of silicon are beetroots, bell peppers, alfalfa, salt, whole-grain products, green leafy vegetables and common horsetail. Other excellent sources of the mineral are apples, fish, honey, pumpkins, cucumbers, onions, carrots, almonds, oats, oranges, raw cabbage and peanuts. Interestingly, there are higher levels of silicon concentration in hard water and relatively less in soft water.

Potassium, manganese, magnesium, boron and calcium aid in the effective use of silicon by the body. In order for a person to be healthy and have sufficiently high levels of silicon in the body, they must eat a wholesome and varied diet.


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