Vitamins are those nutrients that ensure the normal functioning of the body and without them the course of vital functions would be impossible. These complex organic compounds are divided into fat-soluble and water-soluble and in this case the second group will be observed.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is extremely important for the body, because it strengthens its immune system. In addition, it affects growth, participates in oxidative processes, enhances the action of hormones of the adrenal glands, has healing functions on blood vessels and connective tissue and more.
Vitamin C stimulates blood formation and increases the body's resistance to infections. It improves the antitoxic properties of the liver and has a positive effect on the digestive processes.
Vitamin C takes an active part in processes related to electron transport, collagen synthesis and the breakdown of certain amino acids.
It is extremely important for athletes. Vitamin C deficiency in the body is a condition known as scurvy. Typical symptoms are bleeding gums, fatigue, loose teeth, bleeding in other parts of the body, slow-healing wounds, weak immunity.
It is not formed in the body, but is widespread in nature and is obtained through food. It is found in fresh fruit and vegetables, especially in strawberries, rose hips, oranges, lemons, peppers, potatoes and others.

Vitamin B1
Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the metabolism and is actively involved in the nervous system and muscles. It is found in bakery products and especially in standard and rye bread.
Legumes and bran are also a rich source of this vitamin. It is estimated that a person should intake about 1-2 mg of vitamin B1 and in some diseases, such as diabetes, the recommended dose is increased.
Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is actively involved in energy production. Deficiency of the important vitamin is manifested by loss of appetite and the muscle tone is impaired. The digestive functions are impaired, the person is severely exhausted and without energy.

Vitamin B2
Vitamin B2 is found in dairy products, egg yolks, liver and legumes. It is actively involved in tissue repair and the growth of the human body. Vitamin B2 boosts the metabolism, because all the essential nutrients are needed to break it down.
It protects against anemia, increases the body's natural defenses, helps wounds heal faster, maintains healthy skin and vision, protects the nervous system and protects against diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety and many others.
Vitamin PP
Vitamin PP is found in meat, fish, flour, liver and it protects against diseases of the central nervous system. The body does not produce vitamin PP, so it must be obtained with food or in the form of a supplement. It is known as a pellagra preservative, because its absence leads to a disease known as pellagra.
Vitamin B6
Participates in the functions of the central nervous system and its deficiency leads to atherosclerosis. It is found in yeast, soy, wheat, bran and more.
Vitamin B6 is the most important of all water-soluble vitamins for absorbing energy from carbohydrates. Accordingly, it is very valuable for proper growth, absorption of amino acids and the metabolism. It relieves nausea, reduces dry mouth and reduces urination problems. Its intake reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is believed to reduce the need for insulin in diabetics. It is also useful for those suffering from arthritis and joint complaints.

Vitamin B12
It has a strong effect on carbohydrate and protein metabolism and is involved in blood formation. If the body lacks it, it leads to anemia, but can be obtained from milk and dairy products, eggs and liver.
Vitamin B12 helps the formation of white and red cells, promotes the formation of energy, is an important element for the formation of neurotransmitters, maintains the health and beauty of skin, hair and nails. The vitamin is a key factor in the production of the myelin sheath of nerves, which means that it helps prevent neurological diseases. It balances the mood and strengthens the immune system, maintains brain function and is very important for pregnant women.
Biotin is formed in intestinal bacteria, but can be easily destroyed if you drink raw protein. Biotin supplements help maintain a strong immune system; strengthen brain health; regulate blood sugar levels and relieve symptoms of diabetic neuropathy.
Biotin takes care of heart health, helps to beautify and speeds up the metabolism. Last but not least, it reduces inflammation in the body, which protects against various dangerous diseases.

Folic acid
Folic acid is also formed in intestinal bacteria. It is found mainly in leafy vegetables and cereals. Its use in the early months of pregnancy is critical for fetal health.
Pantheonic acid
Pantheonic acid is found everywhere in nature. Its eficiency can lead to growth disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, nervous disorders and other serious consequences for the human health.