To curb your appetite you need to begin paying attention to your stomach as early as the morning. You should drink a glass of water when you wake up - warm if possible. If you do this every day, not only will you appease your hunger, you will also improve your intestinal health.
Liquids are very crucial for curbing appetite - it is advised to drink a glass of water before each meal. In case you're not a big fan of drinking large amounts of water, you can allow yourself 1-2 cups of juice.
The next step in curbing appetite is consuming avocados and nuts - the oleic acid found in these products helps combat hunger. When this acid enters the body it sends signals to the brain that you're full.
If you eat these products regularly you will increase the intervals between which you eat food and you will get rid of excess pounds.

Fruits must also be a part of your diet - apples for example are completely suitable for this case. For one of your meals of the day eat only soup - it can be vegetable, chicken or other. The key is the composition of the broth - it will fill your stomach up and at the same time you won't have eaten many calories.
And the best for last - chocolate is also an active participant in the battle against ravenous hunger. But don't rejoice too much because here we're only talking about dark chocolate.

Experts recommend not only eating it but keeping each piece in your mouth so long as possible. It is thought that in this way you will fool your brain - it will get the signal that you're eating something sweet, which means it also has plenty of calories and your desire to eat will go away.
Along with these foods you can take a nice warm bath (or shower) right before you eat - this will also decrease appetite. If you really want to curb your food cravings you also need to be careful with the spices you use.
In case your appetite increases sharply in the evening, drink a cup of milk right before bed. Not only will it satiate you but it will also give you a more relaxing sleep.