Good nutrition is one of the main elements for the health of the elderly. They are more susceptible to diseases related to the wrong regime. An unhealthy menu can lead to constant fatigue and increase the risk of digestive, lung and heart problems.
On the other hand, lack of appetite can also have a detrimental effect. Malnutrition weakens the immune system, increases the risk of pneumonia and other serious infections. In the presence of other pre-existing diseases and mental problems, it can aggravate them.
The elderly, especially lonely people, even if they are energetic, do not cook and are content with a cup of tea and some biscuits. Such a nutrient-poor diet leads to habituation and loss of muscle mass and weakness. Lack of appetite occurs due to the small amount of food that is consumed constantly.
Simple things like shopping and cooking are becoming more difficult and the practice of settling for junk food such as salty crackers, toast and other convenience foods is being established. This leads to susceptibility to diseases, which in turn can cause depression and from there again lack of appetite.
The physical reasons that lead to these phenomena are several. First of all, it can be the presence of certain chronic diseases that can make shopping, cooking and eating difficult and also suppress appetite. On the other hand, certain difficulties when chewing and swallowing can become an obstacle when eating, as can dry mouth.

Often a hospital stay, illness and surgery take a toll on old people and they often suffer from loss of appetite, weight loss and weakness. Medications are another factor that can cause appetite suppression. The elderly, especially if they have experienced a serious illness, lose a lot of muscle mass and fat, which can lead to a lack of appetite due to changes in body chemistry.
In order to strengthen the body and increase the appetite of the elderly person, first of all, they should be provided with large doses of fresh fruit, such as apples, bananas and vegetables. It is good to include vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ and cereal products in the menu with yogurt.
Encourage elderly people to drink more water. Dehydration plays a key role in loss of appetite as well. The only thing is that they should not drink more water right before a meal, so that they don't to feel full. During the rest of the day, drinking more water is recommended.
For satiety between main meals, it is good to offer a piece of fruit, cheese, milk shake. Meals during the day should be at least 4-5.
Some elderly people can hardly be made to eat three meals a day. Therefore, it is best to bet on small meals, that do not cause a feeling of heaviness. Fruit, vegetables, dairy products are good choices for the aging body. The concept of eating 3 times a day is now old-fashioned, which means healthy eating requires a balanced food intake from the elderly during the day to keep the body in good condition.
Include spices in your elderly relative's menu. They not only flavor the food well, but also stimulate the appetite. Lemon and garlic flavor chicken very well, ginger reduces nausea, nutmeg adds a wonderful flavor to sweets.
Of course, the elderly should not consume too much salt, sugar and spicy spices, but there are dozens more flavors that can be included in the menu and make the food much more delicious and tempting to eat.

Since in most cases the elderly are malnourished, they often suffer from a lack of protein, vitamin B6 and B12, folic acid, niacin, vitamin D, calcium and zinc. They must be taken in the form of dietary supplements. If the body's normal flora is restored, the appetite will inevitably be aroused.
However, it is important to note that the intake of nutritional supplements should be done under strict control, so that some dangerous side effects do not occur. Only a doctor can prescribe the right nutritional supplements that are tailored to the individual health condition of the elderly person.
In general, eating and the appetite of the elderly should become a social event to be meaningful. Another factor that will inevitably wake up the appetite is movement. It can be in any form - a walk in the park or playing with the grandchildren. Of course, it should be tailored to the person's physical condition, so that it isn't too much for them.
At both 7 and 70 years old, movement is very important, so it should not be underestimated. What's more, moderate exercise stimulates the metabolism and thus helps improve appetite.
It may sound strange, but in order to improve the nutrition of the elderly it is good to start counting the calories. Many of us associate calorie counting with following a diet to lose weight, but here it's just the opposite - counting calories in order to increase calorie intake. Elderly people suffering from loss of appetite and severe weight loss must consume enough food to keep the body in the necessary caloric balance.