To produce perfect pancakes, the frying pan is of great importance. It is believed that the most delicious pancakes and crepes that can be made if you use a cast-iron skillet.
Cast iron pans have been honored by our grandparents, who have proven themselves masters of delicious pancakes and crepes.

The secret of the cast iron pan lies in the fact that it distributes heat evenly across the surface of the heat and keeps it long. This is a guarantee for the good vision and taste of pancakes and pancakes.
Cast-iron skillet is heated much more slowly than other types of pans, but it does retain its high temperature, not only during frying pancakes.
A cast iron pan retains heat when lifting the pan from the heat to pour and spread the dough. With time, cast iron pans form a thin oil layer and one pan keeps off sticking pancakes.

On a cast-iron skillet, pancakes stick only if the pan is still new. Because of the large bottom of a cast iron skillet pancakes are golden. They have an attractive appearance and are very tasty.
Especially for baking pancakes there are modern Teflon coated pans. They have lower edges and a long handle. The bottom of this type of pans is thick and thanks to Teflon-coats, pancakes do not stick to the pan and wash easily.
When choosing a Teflon pan for pancakes, it is better to buy the one with the thick bottom and walls. Even if it is Teflon, a pan with a thin bottom wall is heated very quickly. Pancakes will get a taste and will overcook.
Do not use pans with Teflon coating that is broken. This will affect badly the taste of not only the type of the pancakes, but also your health.
It is better if you use a pan for pancakes just for making pancakes and not fry dishes and eggs in it.
If the pancakes stick to the Teflon coating, add a little boiling water in the dough. This will facilitate the separation of the pancakes.