Dried grapes, which we call raisins, have been known and appreciated since ancient times, as evidenced by the fact that they are mentioned in the Old Testament.
In addition to food, raisins are also an excellent medicinal product and for this purpose they are most often used in the form of a decoction. It is also known as raisin water. It is obtained after boiling raisins in water for 20 minutes. Then the decoction is left with the fruits for several hours and finally strained. It is taken warm, on an empty stomach.
Raisin decoction is a magical drink that stimulates the biochemical processes occurring in the liver. It improves the functioning of this main organ in the human body, which ensures good blood filtration.
It is known that raisins are obtained by drying, during which they lose their water. Thus, the beneficial substances in them acquire a concentrated form. The effectiveness of their use is enhanced when a decoction is prepared from them, because all the beneficial components pass into the water. Taking the decoction ensures the rapid entry of beneficial substances into the blood. Here are the main benefits for the body from taking this decoction.
For the liver
A decoction of raisins cleanses the liver, relieves heaviness and pain, regenerates cells.
For digestion and cleansing the body
Since they contain a lot of potassium, raisins help restore the water-salt balance in the body with the intake of a decoction. In addition, the drink improves the functioning of the central nervous system and normalizes blood pressure. The rich fiber content cleanses the body of toxins.
For colds

The healing properties of a decoction of raisins for lung and cold diseases have been known since ancient times. It is a cure for all kinds of respiratory ailments - cough, sore throat, bronchitis, even pneumonia.
In serious conditions such as a strong cough accompanied by a runny nose, the decoction is made from raisins and onions. The medicinal drink is mixed with tea and 1/2 cup of it is drunk 3 times a day.
In severe colds, the raisin decoction enhances its effect if mixed with warm milk. It is drunk before bedtime to calm the cough for the night.
In case of constipation, impaired vision, joint diseases, anemia, biliary crises, underweight, again the raisin decoction is a wonderful solution to the problem.
In India, they use the decoction of dried grapes for sexual weakness and erection problems. The drink is made by boiling raisins with warm milk and saffron.
Contraindications for using raisin decoction
People with obesity, acute heart failure, stomach and duodenal ulcers, enterocolitis, active tuberculosis, diabetes should be careful with the raisin decoction. In case of diabetes, it can be used without overdoing it.
Read more about raisins and their beneficial properties and learn how raisins can lower blood pressure.