Figs have also now appeared on the market, which reminds us of their beneficial properties. These delicious sweet fruits are extremely rich in the hormone of happiness - serotonin. They contain an enormous amount of vitamins – from group B, vitamin E, PP, C.
The juicy figs are also rich in fiber and beta-carotene. In short – figs are a real health bomb for the body. There is no other fruit that has more minerals than figs – just 40 grams of them contain over 240 mg of potassium.
It covers about 7% of the body's daily needs, and calcium and iron in the same amount of fruit (53 mg of calcium, 1.2 mg of iron) cover 6 percent of the daily dose. Among fruits, only oranges can boast due to more calcium. With all these useful elements, let's see what exactly we can use figs for, besides eating them for pleasure.
Figs against heart disease
They are extremely suitable for people with hypertension and a heart disease. The potassium and sugars in these fruits are the reason why many doctors recommend figs for such health conditions. Potassium has a vasodilating effect. It relieves spasms of blood vessels and the enzyme ficin, which is contained in the fruits, dissolves blood clots.
As for people with high blood pressure, they must definitely add the small fruits to their menu. Figs regulate the heartbeat and also stimulate blood production. The antioxidant effect of polyphenols, which are contained in the fruits, also protects the heart from diseases. They also protect it from vascular plaques, as well as heart attacks;
Figs against high cholesterol

They are also recommended for high cholesterol levels – especially in dried form. The reason is the high content of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. Figs also contain phytosterols. All of them play an important role in normalizing cholesterol levels, which has been proven in a study by scientists from New Jersey.
Scientists concluded that only a few fruits help lower cholesterol levels. Pectin is also responsible for this. The water-soluble fiber in figs cleanses the body and removes fats and toxins;
Figs for diabetes
Despite their sweetness, figs are also recommended for diabetics. The reason is the rich fiber content of the fruit, thanks to which the absorption of glucose is also slowed down. On the other hand, figs increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin;
Figs for angina and bronchitis
If you have angina or bronchitis – don’t hesitate, get some figs;
Figs for anemia

It is especially recommended to consume figs for anemia, spleen and liver health issues – a decoction of milk and figs is a popular folk remedy for anemia. The patient drinks ½ cup of the prepared decoction no more than 4 times a day. The recipe can also help with constipation, gastritis and even kidney diseases. It is also suitable for treating bronchitis, angina, whooping cough. If you have a high fever, this decoction will help you bring it down. You can also use fig jam for fever. The terrible pain in the throat during angina will be relieved with a few fresh fruits;
Figs for a healthy stomach
The fiber-rich figs also improve the production of beneficial bacteria in the stomach – magnesium makes them a great way to regulate its activity. Constipation is treated by taking a dozen fig seeds – it is enough to do it once and you will see the effect. The fruit's seeds also help with the release of gases. The fruits protect us from hemorrhoids, colon tumors, studies indicate;
Figs for a slim waist
If you are on a diet, do not deprive yourself of these fruits – they quickly give a feeling of satiety and help with weight loss;
Figs against pimples on the face
Pimples on the face can be cured again with figs – you need the milky juice – it also treats calluses, hen thorn, etc. If you have boils, make yourself a decoction of fig leaves. The boils will also be removed if you put fresh fig leaves, as well as dried figs previously soaked in water. Figs help with pigment spots in pregnant women.