»Articles»Home and Garden»Why Should You Grow Green Herbs and Spices at Home?

Why Should You Grow Green Herbs and Spices at Home?

Teodora MeshterovaTeodora Meshterova
Chef Assistant
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Growing Spices in a Pot

Each of us has at least one pot of greens at home, right? Whether it is basil, parsley, etc. However, we don't always have fresh spices at home, so we use dry ones to flavor our salads and dishes.

But, you have to agree that the taste of a given salad or dish seasoned with fresh spices is much richer, more aromatic and naturally much more healthy.

If you make your own lettuce salad, parsley, fresh spring onions, you will get much more vitamins and minerals than if you use dry ones.

When it's winter outside, we all like to drink tea, but most of the time we use tea bags or dried herbs. It is true that fresh herbs for tea are hard to find in winter, but you know how much better it would be if we drank tea from fresh herbs, in which the vitamins and substances we need remain intact.

It's easier if you want to always drink fresh tea and have fresh spices, to plant them on the balcony if you live in an apartment building, or just have a few pots if you live in a house. The purpose of this article is to make it easier for you to plant these precious herbs and spices by telling you how you can easily grow them at home.

Parsley in a pot

Celery in a pot

I'm starting with a favorite spice for all of us - parsley. It, like celery, thrives for about two years and likes to be in a shady spot. But this does not mean that light should not reach them. They are capricious - they want both light around them and shadow.

The use of parsley in our kitchen is mostly to decorate salads and also to season delicious soups and some types of dishes. When you chew parsley leaves, it can give you fresh breath and also remove the smell of fried fish in your kitchen.

Celery in a pot

About celery, I can say that you can use everything from it - both the leaves and the roots. When you pluck fresh celery, both the leaves and the root can be put into a delicious salad. We all know that celery juice is extremely healthy and saturated with vitamins and minerals that the body needs to be healthy.

When making chicken soup for example, there's nothing stopping you from adding some celery for aroma and great flavor. Also, if you roast some pieces of celery, you can add amazing flavor to some cooked dishes.

Celery has a diuretic effect because it contains many useful essential oils. This amazing plant works very well when you suffer from rheumatism. Because of all these useful properties that I have listed for celery, it is good to eat it more often and not to forget it if you decide to make a healthy and at the same time tasty salad.

Sage in a pot


We all love sage, right? This plant is also a suitable spice in your dishes, because it has a specific and rich aroma. Apart from tea sage is used, when marinating certain meats, like chicken - use a toothpick to stick it on the meat to absorb its amazing aroma. It is also used for a lot of the sauces.

Sage is a perennial plant and is very easy to grow - lots of sun and moderate watering is necessary. There is no better decoration for your home than the violet colors that this plant has when it blooms.

Lavender in a pot

Speaking of sage, here is another very useful plant from its family - lavender. I love the scent of lavender in my home. I believe most of you do too. Its delicate violet flowers and silvery leaves caress the eye and the senses when in your garden and create the feeling of being on a purple cloud.

In addition to our garden, lavender is also used in aromatherapy and herbal medicine. We can also use it in the kitchen - more often as a tea and less often as a spice.

It doesn't take much to grow lavender in your home, because it's not very capricious. It hardly tolerates the cold, but loves the strong sun and droughts. This plant is perennial and you can grow it constantly in your garden and enjoy its aroma and colors.

Rosemary in a pot


I don't know about you, but I love rosemary. I use it quite often in my kitchen when marinating meat - I make little holes in it and stick a sprig of rosemary in for an amazing aroma and taste. You can easily grow it at home in a cool and bright place. Rosemary branches grow quickly and the more you cut them, the more the branches thicken. This plant likes wetter and richer soil, but it can also survive in drier soil. Rosemary is widely used in the preparation of fish dishes. Its strong aroma neutralizes that of the fish. You can use both dry and fresh. You can make a great and very healthy tea from rosemary.

Basil in a pot


Speaking of annual spices, this includes basil. It is widely used in making pasta sauces, for decoration, for scents for the home. This plant has an amazing aroma and taste. You can also use it for pizza, for salads, for pasta, for lasagna and generally anything related to Italian cuisine.

I love making pesto sauce. It's amazing with fresh basil. You can use it as well as rosemary - to marinate meat by making holes in the meat and inserting a leaf of this amazing spice.

As a herb, basil has very strong pain-relieving properties and can prevent inflammation. It is used in the state of depression and fatigue. If you put basil in your room, you can safely open your window in the summer, because mosquitoes run away from it. When growing basil indoors, cut it often so it can thicken and branch out. When you look after it well, it will thank you with it's beautiful colors, rich aroma and will contribute to a fresh salad.

Oregano in a pot

Speaking of suitable seasonings for fish, oregano is one of them. It is also a perennial and likes a lot of sun. Of course, you can use oregano in many other dishes as well. For example, when I make bolognese sauce for lasagna or spaghetti, I always add basil and oregano. The aroma and taste are great.
