»Articles»Useful Advice»Candied Ginger - Benefits and Preparation at Home

Candied Ginger - Benefits and Preparation at Home

Iliana AngelovaIliana Angelova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Candied ginger
Image: Sevda Andreeva

Ginger is an exotic plant, which is a popular culinary spice. Apart from its taste, it also has health benefits, which is why it is popular around the world and grown in many places.

To preserve the useful root of the plant for longer, it is preserved by preparing candied ginger. The characteristics of the herb and the method of preparation of the candied version make it unique.

Ginger root is known to contain about 400 chemical compounds - many vitamins, minerals and essential oils. The fresh root of the plant contains only 90 kilocalories. In its dried version with sugar, the calories are 200-300, so the idea that candied ginger is useful for weight loss is not entirely true. The huge benefits are due to the chemical composition of this variant.

- the sweet temptation perfectly deals with a sore throat and cough and is a favorite remedy for children;

- stabilizes the nervous system, deals with stress and depression;

- has a positive effect on immunity;

- improves blood flow, by strengthening the walls of blood vessels;

How to Make Candied Ginger

- good prophylaxis against constipation;

- anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent for spinal complaints;

- improves memory and concentration and is suitable for mental stress.

This product has its positive effects especially for both sexes. In men, it improves the libido, regulates the hormonal background of both men and women and is a natural aphrodisiac.

There are also warnings about potential harm. These can occur with excessive consumption of candied ginger - these are diarrhea, indigestion, acids in the stomach. Patients with stomach ulcers should be careful. A burning sensation in the throat is also an unpleasant side effect of consuming candied ginger.

This sweet treat can be prepared at home to store larger amounts of the herb, as well as be used in culinary recipes. Here are the simple steps for candied ginger:

- the root - about 7 oz (200 g), is peeled and cut into slices;

- pour the pieces with 2 cups of water and boil them for 10 minutes, then strain them;

- prepare a syrup of 7 oz (200 g) of sugar and 2/3 cup (150 ml) of water, mix with ginger and boil, until the pieces become transparent (about 15-20 minutes);

- finally the pieces are rolled in sugar and citric acid. Cinnamon or cloves may be added if you like;

- the pieces of candied ginger should be left to cool and dry for 2 hours and this is how the delicious candied slices are obtained.
