If you like smoked fish, you can make it at home and it’s even more delicious than the one from the store. Before smoking, you must salt it.
Per kilogram of fish are placed 3.5 oz (100 g) salt, the fish are stacked with a weight and let cool for 16 hours in a vessel that does not oxidize and corrode. Better before salting fish to clean the giblets. Scales are not removed.
Once removed from the vessel, the fish is washed with cold water and left to dry, hung in a ventilated area for several hours. Moisture must be removed, otherwise the fish will be smoked more slowly.
Warm smoked fish is prepared using a heat of 50°C to 120°C, and the cold smoked type is done using a temperature of 20 to 40°C.
Warm smoked fish does not last long and should be eaten in one, at most two days. Cold smoked fish can be stored several weeks, but if you leave it for long, it dries and loses its flavor.
To smoke fish, it is best to use a tin can and augment coals underneath and on top of the box to attach the fish. The more the fish, the higher the dish should be. Over coals put punctured foil, and above it hangs the fish.

When it becomes golden in color and fork easily enters into it, it is already smoked. Smoked fish became golden in color and meat is easily removed from the skin. If the fish disintegrates and fat flows down, it means that the temperature was too high or the incorrect amount of time was given for fumigation.
For cold smoking hook fish with tin over the embers and as soon as there is enough zest, remove from its box and leave to cool. This process is repeated several times, up to the point at which the fish is ready.
You can smoke fish in the oven. For this purpose, after prewashing salted fish, dry it enough to put it on a wire rack.
Place it into the upper part of the oven. Turn oven to the desired degree, but only the lower part should be heated. In this way you will get a delicious smoked fish.
Here is a wonderful recipe for smoked mackerel. Read also: