Is meat healthy or unhealthy? This discussion has not stopped for years and a definite answer has never been given.
The only thing that is clear is that protein is vital for our body, but some meats may be harmful to us. So far, there have been various debates about whether chicken is because of the hormones; is it red meat because it increases the cholesterol levels?
Which meats exactly are unhealthy - there was no eloquent answer so far. However, nutritionists may have already found an answer to this question.
The most unhealthy is the meat with a long shelf life, experts say. This means that we must be vigilant with all expensive imported meats. This applies to all the stranger species - venison meat, kangaroo meat, partridges meat and rooster meat.
The answer is one and it is quite logical - the longer their shelf life, the farther the country they come from, which means that there is a huge amount of preservatives. In addition, there is a huge risk that these products will not be fresh, but will be repeatedly frozen and defrosted. This means that our body can not absorb any good properties, says the nutrition expert Marina Vaulina.
These meats can still be eaten, but by no means daily. We should not cook them for too long, we should avoid cooking them on a barbecue. It is also right not to season them too much.
It also turns out that our body has the hardest time digesting goose and duck meat, as well as lamb. This fact may sound paradoxical to many, as these meats, along with venison and kangaroo meat, are some of the most expensive delicacies in the world.
The expert tells us other facts that are known to many of us, but we often forget about them - that grilled meat is carcinogenic because it is burnt, in addition, there are particles of smoke in it.
However, stewed meat is good for our body, especially when combined with vegetables. Even if there are a small amount of unhealthy substances, the antioxidants in the vegetables, especially in leafy greens, help our body to deal with them.