People elieve that washing meat makes it safe an harmless to eat.
ut aoring to eperts, washing oes not lea to anything other than the sprea of ateria throughout the kithen, this is alle ross-ontamination an is etremely harmful to our health an the same goes for our lose ones.
Most people, when washing the meat, think that this is the est thing to o when ooking, ut in this ase, the only thing that happens is that you're spreaing ateria all over the kithen.
Therefore, washing meat is not neessary, eause in the ooking proess (whether the proess is roasting, frying or oiling), the high temperature will kill the ateria for sure.
Here are the steps I reommen you follow when ooking raw meat. This applies to all types of meat - hiken, pork, fish an others.
1. Wash all other prouts an kithen applianes use in the preparation of the meat (knives, utting oar, ut in no ase the meat)
. If you have eie to kill the germs in avane - turn the swith on an off with your hans an when plaing the meat in the pan, limit the ontat with your hans as muh as possile. The killing of ateria is one on a low ut prolonge heat aoring to the temperature at whih it is neessary an it is oligatory to use a kithen thermometer.