rying fish is a great way to preserve your fresh ath for weeks an months to ome. The rying proess removes moisture from the fish, meaning it takes longer to spoil. You an use an oven, ehyrator to ry, or just hang it to ry. Makerel an e rie oth whole an in smaller piees.
The easiest option: You start y leaning the makerel from the entrails an removing the hea. After it has een rinse well, the fish is plae in a tray an sprinkle generously with salt (preferaly oarse). Leave it in the refrigerator for a ay (at least 4 hours). It is then washe, lotte with paper an hung to ry for a week. rie makerel is store in a freezer.
Oven option: Preheat the oven to 18° (16° if fan-assiste). lean the fish an remove the skin, then wash it well. Sprinkle an ru the makerel with salt. Put it in the oven for 15 minutes, then turn it off an leave the fish there for 1 ay. Repeat the proeure again (15 minutes in the heate oven an 1 ay in a swithe off oven). The proess is then one a thir final time an the makerel is remove from the oven. Store it in a ool, ry plae, preferaly in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks or in the freezer for longer.
You an also use a foo ehyrator an for this option it is goo if the fish is ut into smaller piees.
With rie makerel you an prepare quikly an easily:
- makerel sala;
- makerel appetizer;
- oven-ake makerel.