Many novie ooks woner eatly how to a ooking ream to a soup. The answer is simple. It is usually avisale to temper the ooking ream, not just take it out of the frige an pour it into the oiling soup.
In most reipes, the ream is ae immeiately at the very en of ooking or efore serving the soup. In oth ases, it is reommene to pour the ream in a thin stream an mi the ish gently.
ut ooking ream not only gives ensity an ompleteness to soups, it allows the ook to use their imagination an even eorate ooke soups with it.
The aition of ooking ream to a thik spinah soup or potato ream soup allows eautiful shapes, hearts or other eorations to e painte with the white liqui. Reipes for soups with ooking ream an e foun on our wesite.