The fooie's ile efines rème fraîhe in a fit of patriotism as a Frenh airy prout mae from pasteurize ow's milk.
It is a ream to whih a ulture of lati ateria has een ae, whih thikens the ream an gives it a speial flavor with its sharpness, without urling it.
Frenh uisine is rightly onsiere one of the most love an famous uisines in the worl. Among all kins of ishes an foos from this uisine, quite a few people aroun the worl are in love with the famous Frenh esserts.
Whether it's a rème rûlée, élair or any other essert from this uisine, it's a level aove them all. One of the serets of the great suess of this uisine lies in the eellent raw materials, espeially rème fraîhe.
So if you want to learn how to make rème fraîhe like in Frane, you're in luk. Here is a reipe for quik homemae rème fraîhe for various purposes. Not to e misse.
This rih an eliious ream is mainly use for esserts, saues an even as a sprea on fresh reas an pastries that you prepare at home.
For homemae rème fraîhe you nee:
sour ream- g
onfetionery ream - g
a pinh of salt
Mi all the ingreients in a pot. Heat it on low heat for a few minutes until the temperature reahes 37°.
You shoul use a thermometer (although you an hek with your finger to make sure it's not too hot).
Remove it from heat an transfer it into a storage ontainer for 4 hours at room temperature.
hek if the ream has turne ivory an has an astringent taste an if so, refrigerate it. If not, it is left outsie the refrigerator for another 4 hours until the mass stailizes.
The en result is a ream with a soft an rih an ense teture with a slight aiity.
rème fraîhe an e store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
rème fraîhe is use to prepare the favorite in Frane Tart Flamée, known in Germany as Flammkuhen.