uhti are one of everyone's favorite reakfast. They are soft an tasty an in omination with homemae jam, they are simply irresistile!
The most harateristi feature of uhti is their fluffiness. It is an iniator of their orret preparation an is a esire effet to e ahieve y every ook.
To get fluffy uhti with a well-efine struture, efinitely pay attention to the ratio of prouts. Flour is a key element that plays a role in ahieving really fluffy uhti.
If you overo it, you are very likely to en up with thik uhti instea of ones with a soft touh an a lusious appearane. To make sure the orret amount of flour is use, you nee to monitor the onsisteny of the miture. If it has a thikness similar to that of a sponge ake, then this is a sign that there is too muh flour.
We avise you to let the reay-mae uhti ough sit for aout 3 minutes so that it asors well an results in softer uhti.
Another important avie is not to overuse the oil when frying them. y applying eessive amounts of it, you an spoil the volume of the uhti an as a result, they will eome thin an shapeless.
Fry them until golen an enjoy the result on your egg free uhti or airy free uhti.
See also how to prepare nongreasy uhti.