It is very important to omine foos orretly in a meal so that their healthy ingreients an e fully asore.
On holiays, we like to have a lot of everything on the tale an often forget that the omination of ertain foos an e angerous.
Most eperts avise to avoi the omination of eggs an fish, as well as fish with airy prouts.
The omination of eggs an fish is very toi.
It is not 1% ertain that a omination of eggs an fish will ause an unwante reation. However, the risk eists an there's still a ig possiility.
Most people omplain of stomah isomfort after eating eggs an fish. Some have severe iarrhea an aominal heaviness.
Their omination results in an interation etween egg white moleules.
In the oy, they ause iverse iohemial proesses. These proesses interfere with eah other.
omining them also arries the risk of getting an allergi reation. oth prouts are strong allergens.
Aoring to one of the anient teahings, name Ayurvea, the omination of eggs an fish is forien.