Potato juie is not a popular rink, ut it is etremely healthy an ontains many nutritional enefits, whether onsume, use as a fae mask or applie to the skin.
Potato juie has an anti-inflammatory effet on the human oy, ontains high levels of vitamin an vitamin , an is loae with nutrients an minerals, so its onsumption is reommene!
To make potato juie, you shoul follow the steps written elow.
- 5 meium-size potatoes
- 1 orange, peele (optional)
Wash the potatoes thoroughly uner ol water to remove any irt.
A the potatoes, ut into piees, to the juier to squeeze the potato juie.
Then plae a strainer, line with a linen loth, over a glass an pour the potato juie through them. A a little water if neessary.
If esire, to sweeten the juie, a an orange to the juier, then a the orange juie to the glass with the potato juie.
Serve the potato juie immeiately.
Fin out more aout the healing effet of potato juie an learn what potato juie is use for in traitional meiine.