Fresh parsley is an extremely healthy green spice that we sprinkle on a number of delicious dishes – stews, soups, moussaka, casseroles, etc. Fresh parsley doesn't last long and if not stored properly, it dries out in just a few days, thus losing its taste and health properties.
If you want to preserve parsley for a longer time, you can wrap it in newspaper and put it in plastic. Put the bag at the bottom of the refrigerator and when you want to use it in a dish, just open the bag and take out as much as you need. The other option is to soak the parsley in a glass of water, but keep in mind that you have to change the water every day and remove the yellow leaves.
Parsley can also be preserved mixed with vinegar. Chop it, mix with vinegar and salt and put it in jars. Pour enough oil to cover the greens. The oil will protect the parsley from mold and spoilage. Another even easier option is to chop the parsley and put it in a jar.
Pour oil over it and store it in a cool, dark place. The last option we will offer you is with just salt. Chop the parsley and put it in jars, then mix with a large amount of salt. Close the jar and store it in the refrigerator.
Chopped and well cleaned, parsley can be frozen and in the freezer.
Check out how you can grow parsley in a pot and learn more about the effects of parsley during pregnancy.