»Tips»What Does Pumpkin Contain and Why Should We Eat it?

What Does Pumpkin Contain and Why Should We Eat it?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
What Does Pumpkin Contain and Why Should We Eat it?

When autumn comes, pumpkin is one of the things most people prepare. It is very healthy, besides being delicious. It contains a lot of useful substances and an even better fact about it is that it is low in calories.

It is very suitable for consumption during a diet and also provides us with a wide range of nutrients that our body needs, especially in a time filled with many diseases.

1 cup of pumpkin contains:

- Calories - 49;

- Fat - 0.17 g;

- Sodium - 390 mg;

- Carbohydrates - 12 g;

- Fiber - 2.7 g;

- Sugar - 5 g;

- Protein - 1.8 g;

Pumpkin is the perfect choice when we want to get rid of extra pounds. It contains useful carbohydrates.

- The carbohydrates contained in pumpkin are very beneficial and healthy. They are ideal for people with diabetes and those at risk of diabetes, because when consumed, blood sugar and insulin levels do not rise. Pumpkin has a low glycemic index, which makes it suitable for people who have problems with their metabolism, who have insulin resistance, diabetes and those who are struggling with weight;

- Pumpkin contains useful fats. In general, pumpkin is high in fat, but it is healthy. The vegetable fats contained in pumpkin are useful and healthy for normal cell division. They help control blood sugar and reduce the risk of degenerative diseases, bad cholesterol and high blood pressure;

- Pumpkin also contains a lot of protein - it is a good source of protein. This makes it nutritious and therefore helps to satisfy hunger. It is an indispensable companion in diets, because due to the fact that it contains protein, it helps to improve the metabolism and gives the body more energy;

- Pumpkin also contains some very rare vitamins in plant foods - such as vitamin K, which helps for proper blood clotting and vitamin D, which is most needed in winter, when the weather is gloomy and it is difficult to be obtained.

However, the most important vitamin, which is not very well known, is vitamin T, which helps in the treatment of anemia and hemophilia. Because of these vitamins, pumpkin is recommended for vegetarians, pregnant women and young children. The flesh of the pumpkin is very easily absorbed by the body and is one of the good products for feeding babies;

- Pumpkin contains an exceptional wealth of minerals. Because it contains a small amount of potassium, pumpkin is the best natural diuretic that eliminates edema in kidney and cardiovascular disease. Phosphorus and magnesium, which are contained in pumpkin, support memory and the nervous system. Pumpkin is the fruit with the highest iron content, and the calcium contained in it is absorbed much better by the body than that contained in dairy products. Pumpkin is recommended for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis;

- As you already know, pumpkin is extremely healthy, but it is also very tasty. Whether in cake, roasted or made as a cream soup, it will still be delicious. There are only 17 calories in 100 grams of pumpkin;

- Once the pumpkin is peeled, never throw away the seeds. They are one of the largest sources of protein (33 g per 100 g). If eaten raw, pumpkin seeds improve memory and kidney function and maintain prostate health for men.

There is no way to get away without recommending something tasty. So be sure to check out our suggestions for:

- pumpkin cakes;

- pumpkin pie;

- pumpkin sweets;

- roasted pumpkin.



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