»Tips»What is Americano Coffee?

What is Americano Coffee?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
What is Americano Coffee?

What is Americano coffee?

The American Coffee (Caffè Americano) is an espresso that is infused with hot water and can be made in several different ways. However, there are a number of reasons why this popular espresso drink has an American name.

Most studies link the creation of this coffee drink to World War II. In fact, the name may have originated even earlier, in the late 1920s. Author Somerset Maugham writes about characters who drink Americano, although he never describes in detail how this coffee was made.

However, the most reliable information describing the creation and naming of Americano coffee dates back to World War II, when coffee was of particular importance (and necessary) to the military. On average, servicemen drank more than 32 pounds of coffee each year.

How is Americano coffee made?

Espresso and hot water in combination sound like a simple recipe. In reality, however, both the quality of the ingredients and the way they are combined will determine whether an Americano coffee is properly brewed.


Espresso is made from the same coffee beans that are used to make Nescafe. The differences come from the way it is roasted, blended and brewed (a process in which freshly picked and roasted coffee beans are made into a black beverage and used in freezer and spray-dried techniques to make Nescafe). .

Now let's talk about roasting. Espresso is made usually from roasted coffee beans, as they create less acidity. They also create a thicker cream. The reason is in the oil that accumulates on the surface of the roasted coffee beans. It is expelled from the beans, from the hot water and steam, forming a greasy and rich, creamy layer of foam that rises to the top of a well-brewed cup of Americano coffee.

The most important thing is the equipment and technique. The right espresso machine, the right amount and distribution of coffee, the right temperature and amount of water used to prepare the drink play a huge role in creating a perfect quality espresso. To achieve such a result requires experience or finding the right cafe.


Clean and fresh water is important in the preperation of Americano coffee. This is especially important when making Americano, because the drink is prepared by the process of pouring hot water. This results in a better prepared drink and preserves the integrity of the "cream".

How hot should the water be?

Opinions differ. Most experts believe that it should be 185°C, but some believe that water heated to 200°C makes better Americano coffee. There is also the opinion that the water should come directly from the espresso machine, but this is optional.

How is Americano coffee made?

Americano coffee is not made by mixing espresso and hot water. Both are layered. But which comes first? The answer is ambiguous. Some people think that hot water should be poured on the espresso, saying that this method best preserves the consistency and "cream" of the espresso.

Others argue that the right way to make Americano coffee is by pouring espresso on the water. The method is said to create more "cream" and prevent the espresso from burning if the water is too hot.

The water added to the espresso is known as the original Americano. Americano is great both ways.

The only question left is how much espresso and how much water should be used. The traditional way to make Americano coffee is with 1-2 servings of espresso and up to 170 ml of hot water.

For a strong Americano with an extremely rich taste, use a "short" espresso. If you want weak Americano coffee, order "long". The grinded espresso is left to extract twice as long. The liquid is as much as a normal double dose, but the coffee will be weaker and may be more bitter.



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