Unoutely apple ier vinegar is useful for a numer of prolems, ut it an also e harmful.
There is rarely talk of the potential harm of vinegar lurking in its regular an unwise use.
- onsumption of apple ier vinegar amages the tooth enamel;
- onsumption of unilute vinegar an injure the esophagus. In folk meiine you an fin a reipe for weight loss, in whih you nee to rink vinegar, whih is issolve in a little water. This poses a risk to the esophagus an tooth enamel;
- The previous negative effets of vinegar are ue to its high aiity. High aiity an also amage the tissues in the oral avity;
- Vinegar that isn't ilute an also e harmful to the skin. If you are going to make a ompress with vinegar for the skin, first ilute it with a little water;
- Apple ier vinegar when onsume frequently auses stomah isorers an stomah ais;
- Apple ier vinegar also reues the one ensity an the potassium in the loo. In 1998, it was isovere that frequent use of apple ier vinegar leas to a erease in loo potassium an a erease in one ensity. This is angerous for people suffering from osteoporosis an ariovasular isease;
- Apple ier vinegar may e harmful when omine with some rugs. These are rugs for the treatment of ariovasular isease, iaetes, iuretis an laatives;
- Apple ier vinegar has oth enefits an harms for humans.
See how to make homemae apple ier vinegar.