Oriental Baklava

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Sia RibaginaSia Ribagina
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Oriental Baklava
Image: Sia Ribagina
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I made it
60 min.
40 min.
100 min.
"A classical syrupy temptation that will put a spell on you!"


  • flour - 2 lb (1 kg)
  • corn starch - 4/5 cup (200 g)
  • butter - 1/2 cup (125 g)
  • milk - 1 cup (250 ml)
  • oil - 4/5 cup (200 ml)
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp (15 g)
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • eggs - 3
  • for the syrup
  • water - 4 cups
  • sugar - 4 cups
  • lemons - 1/2
  • cardamom - a few seeds
  • for garnishing
  • walnuts - 2 cups

How to make

Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Make a well and add the eggs, oil, vinegar and milk. Knead a smooth and soft dough and let it rest for 30 min.

Form a long wick from the dough and cut it into 21 equal parts. Form them into balls and roll them out into small sheets the size of a small plate. Divide them up into 3 piles, with 7 sheets in per pile.

Take the first pile, put one of the sheets on the table, sprinkle it with starch and cover it with a 2nd sheet, sprinkle with starch again and keep doing this until you've put on the 7th sheet. Take a rolling pin and roll out the entire pile into one large sheet, the size of the oven dish you're going to be baking in.

Smear the oven dish with a little butter and put the resulting sheet into it, sprinkle with half the walnuts. Next comes the second pile, make it the same way. Place the first sheet, sprinkle with starch, cover with the 2nd sheet and so on until the 7th sheet. Roll out the entire pile into a large sheet and put it in the oven dish on top of the walnuts.

Sprinkle with the remaining walnuts.

Do the same with the 3rd pile what you did to the other 2. Roll it out into a large sheet and put it in the oven dish over the others.

Slice the baklava any way you'd like; I used small rings/shot glasses and made small circles in the middle. Then I made some cuts outward, similar to the sun's rays and then formed small triangles at the end.

Melt the butter and pour it over the baklava, smear it with a brush so that the entire baklava gets soaked in butter.

Heat the oven and bake the baklava at 340°F (170 °C) to a golden color. Take it out and leave it to cool.

Make a sugar syrup by putting the sugar and water in a pot. Bring them to a boil, stir, add in the juice of 1/2 a lemon and 2-3 cardamom seeds. Leave it on the stove for 10-15 min. to thicken until it forms a sugar syrup.

Pour the hot syrup over the cooled baklava (be sure to remove the cardamom).

Leave it for 24 hours to soak in the syrup well.


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