How to make
This is one of the best dishes, that my parents have prepared for me. It charges you up with a lot of energy, health and a good mood in the cold winter days.
The legs and ears of the pig are washed and inspected well. If they have scales, they are removed and if they have hairs, they are scorched with a kitchen burner.
Put them in a pressure cooker along with some salt and pour water, which is 1 finger above their level.
Add the black pepper. Boil for 2 hours. If they have not softened, they are boiled for another hour - it depends on the pork.
The garlic is crushed along with 1/2 tsp. of salt. Mix it with vinegar and a few tablespoons from the broth. The meat is added to it. The appetizer is consumed warm.
I haven't found a suitable wine yet. Brandy goes well.
The boiled pork legs and ears are ready.