Spicy Legs

Looking for spicy legs? Check out our 12 ideas for spicy legs on Bonapeti
Spicy Rabbit LegsSpicy Rabbit LegsServe rabbit legs on a bed of pasta / potatoes / and pour a spicy sauce on top....
Spicy Chicken LegsSpicy Chicken Legs
Coat the legs with this marinade and let them stand for about 30 minutes....
Turkey Legs with a Spicy SauceTurkey Legs with a Spicy Sauce
Add the onion and garlic to the turkey legs and saute them as well....
Boiled Lamb LegsBoiled Lamb Legs
Clean, wash and place the lamb legs in a clay pot. Sprinkle with salt and black pepper and a put on a lid with a hole....
Roasted Chicken LegsRoasted Chicken Legs
Roll the legs thoroughly in the marinade and leave to marinate overnight in the refrigerator....
Tangerine Turkey LegsTangerine Turkey Legs
To get really tasty roasted turkey legs, pour the broth and add the salt. Bake the tangerine turkey legs for 30 minutes under foil at {200°C}....
Roasted Rabbit LegsRoasted Rabbit Legs
To make the Roasted Rabbit Legs, remove both front legs and hind legs from the rabbit to make 4 legs (servings)....
Appetizing Chicken LegsAppetizing Chicken Legs
Wash and dry the chicken legs, put them in a bowl and add all the spices to them....
Breaded Frog LegsBreaded Frog Legs
Place the fried legs on a paper towel or napkin, so that it can absorb the excess fat....
Boiled Frog LegsBoiled Frog Legs
Once the water has boiled, add the frog legs in it and boil them for 8-10 minutes. Garnish tham as you like. Enjoy....
Fried Frog LegsFried Frog Legs
Blanch the frog legs, season them with salt and black pepper, roll them in flour and immerse them for a moment in water....
Italian Chicken LegsItalian Chicken Legs
Serve these chicken legs coated with the sauce....


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