Boiled Pretzels

Looking for boiled pretzels? Check out our 12 ideas for boiled pretzels on Bonapeti
Boiled PretzelsBoiled PretzelsTear from pieces off, which are then formed into a wick and wrapped into small pretzels. Allow to rise again....
Austrian PretzelsAustrian Pretzels
Heat 8 1/3 cups (2 L) water with the baking soda on the stove until the water comes to a boil and drop each pretzel in it for about 30 sec. on each...
Christmas PretzelsChristmas Pretzels
Once the pretzels rise, take them out with a slotted spoon and arrange in a tray with baking paper....
Christmas PretzelsChristmas Pretzels
The Christmas pretzels are very tasty and they disappeared in an instant. Prepare them, they are great!...
Savory PretzelsSavory Pretzels
The savory pretzels are ready....
Butter PretzelsButter Pretzels
The Butter Pretzels are very tasty. Note: In my main recipe Austrian Pretzel, I have explained exactly how to fold this wonderful pretzel....
Bavarian PretzelsBavarian Pretzels
Note: Pretzels are easy to make, but require more time due to the long and repeated rising processes....
Baked Pulled PretzelsBaked Pulled Pretzels
The resulting shaped pretzels are arranged at a distance in a tray covered with baking paper....
Poppy Seed PretzelsPoppy Seed Pretzels
Serve the pretzels hot or cold with a favorite dish. Enjoy!...
Raspberry Christmas PretzelsRaspberry Christmas Pretzels
The Raspberry Christmas Pretzels are ready....
Love Heart PretzelsLove Heart Pretzels
Leave the pretzels to cool on a wire rack. Enjoy!...
Tasty Pretzels with CarawayTasty Pretzels with Caraway
Bake the delicious pretzels with caraway to a nice tan....


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