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Today is World Vegan DayToday is World Vegan Day
01 Nov.
Today we celebrate World Vegan Day. Not only do vegans not consume any products of animal origin, they also do not use any such in their day-to-day life....
Today is World Food DayToday is World Food Day
16 Oct.
Every 16th of October is World Food Day. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was also founded on this day. World Food Day was first observed in 1981....
Say No to Pesticides, Choose HealthSay No to Pesticides, Choose Health
24 Apr.
There is a new scourge to humanity whose expression already started a long time ago, as the global epidemic called obesity. The trend towards ever wider consumption of junk food is at its peak and the bad news is that humanity...
Today is International Burger DayToday is International Burger Day
28 May
The largest burger in the world was made in 1982 by 10 000 people....
Today is International Popcorn DayToday is International Popcorn Day
19 Jan.
One of the most beloved culinary snacks for the majority of people, popcorn, commemorates its international holiday today. For centuries, the corn temptation has been a favorite for so many nations....
Today is International Coffee DayToday is International Coffee Day
29 Sept.
On September 29th, many places around the world celebrate International Coffee Day. Coffee, also called "Satan's drink", is widely popular in all of the world's nations and undoubtedly, the most addicting warm drink....
Tempeh is a Vegetarian's Meat SubstituteTempeh is a Vegetarian's Meat Substitute
10 Oct.
Just like tofu, tempeh is among the most beloved vegetarian products. Vegetarians and vegans include it in their daily menu....
Today the World Celebrates International Tea DayToday the World Celebrates International Tea Day
15 Dec.
Today, December 15th, marks International Tea Day all over the world. The celebration of the warm beverage is relatively new, established in 2005 by the World Social Forum....
Today is National Chocolate Wafer Day! Here`s How to Mark the OccasionToday is National Chocolate Wafer Day! Here`s How to Mark the Occasion
03 July
On July 3, connoisseurs all over are celebrating National Chocolate Wafer Day. This tasty dessert is traditionally made of crunchy layers, riddled with squares. The layers themselves are stuck together with cream and...
This is How a Sponge Cake Layer is MadeThis is How a Sponge Cake Layer is Made
15 Apr.
Pour it into a baking pan, which is lined with baking paper. Bake it in a moderately heated oven, until it is fully baked. Cut it in half and decorate it with cake cream , in order to make your favorite cake....
How Often Is It Good To Eat MeatHow Often Is It Good To Eat Meat
20 Apr.
Many of us believe that vegetarians have an extremely balanced personality and live much healthier lives than we do. Is that really the case? People become vegetarians for various reasons....
How to Lard Meat?How to Lard Meat?
12 June
Almost all meat, especially if in large pieces, requires additional primary culinary processing. This includes procedures such as tenderizing, breading, larding, dry and wet marinating. Anyone who calls themselves a...
How To Caramelize Meat?How To Caramelize Meat?
10 Jan.
Cooking is an exceptional art, along with serving and arranging the food. A truly good cook is one who knows how to combine these aspects of cooking in the best way. The French have the championship in terms of skills...
Today We Celebrate National Meatball Day!Today We Celebrate National Meatball Day!
09 Mar.
Today we celebrate Meatball Day. The earliest accounts of our favorite meatballs come from records from Ancient Rome. Over the centuries they've turned into a main food of Italian family home cooking....
Today We Celebrate National Sandwich Day!Today We Celebrate National Sandwich Day!
03 Nov.
Today we commemorate the 3rd most popular food around the world - the sandwich. It has countless variations and can be eaten by young and old at any time throughout the day....
Today We Celebrate International Coffee DayToday We Celebrate International Coffee Day
01 Oct.
Today we celebrate an occasion honoring one of the most beloved drinks - coffee. A study held in Great Britain, to commemorate this day, has found that coffee lovers are wealthier and happier than the rest....
Exactly How Many Nuts is it Healthy to Eat Per Day?Exactly How Many Nuts is it Healthy to Eat Per Day?
01 Dec.
Nuts, considered by many to be a superfood, have a truly impressive nutritional profile. They are rich in protein and fat (including omega 3-fatty acids) and their composition includes manganese, copper, magnesium,...
This Is Why We Need To Drink Green Tea Every DayThis Is Why We Need To Drink Green Tea Every Day
05 Jan.
Tea leaves are rich in antioxidants - substances that neutralize the accumulated free radicals in the cells of the body and thus help reduce the risk of many diseases. Light tea can be consumed by everyone. However, strong...
Say Yes to Pizza with Less Calories!Say Yes to Pizza with Less Calories!
04 Aug.
Pizza - an Italian classic, adored by people across the globe. Characteristic of these baked goods is that they possess an unbelievable taste, while at the same time having the reputation of a food with too many calories...
Vegetarian GelatinVegetarian Gelatin
12 May
More common in Chinese cuisine, but increasingly found a place in the menu of vegetarians. Agar is a type of algae in the seas of Southeast Asia....
How to Cook Deer MeatHow to Cook Deer Meat
21 Oct.
Deer meat is unpopular, although in fact it is considered a real delicacy among game meats. Most cookbooks advise to always boil the meat from large game. We also need to keep in mind that wild game meat is quite heavy...
How to recognize fresh meatHow to recognize fresh meat
24 Jan.
Fresh meat has specific characteristics to check, before you give your money to the store. On the surface, fresh meat is lightly crusted with a lightly pink look about it. When you press a finger into fresh meat, the pressure...
How best to defrost meatHow best to defrost meat
19 Nov.
If you want to cook frozen meat, you'll need to defrost it. The more slowly you defrost meat, the less juice and nutrients are lost. Rapid thawing in the microwave is not recommended, since this method of thawing will...
How to Properly Boil MeatHow to Properly Boil Meat
15 Apr.
In order to preserve the valuable substances of meat, as well as to make sure it is tasty and tender when it is prepared, it is necessary to follow some rules during the boiling process. No matter what meat you boil, you...
How to Marinate Chicken MeatHow to Marinate Chicken Meat
08 Apr.
Chicken meat is a favorite worldwide. It is one of the first things a new chef learns to prepare but it is also a good idea to learn how to marinate chicken meat. This seasons it and makes it suitable for further treatment...