Deer meat is unpopular, although in fact it is considered a real delicacy among game meats. Most cookbooks advise to always boil the meat from large game.
We also need to keep in mind that wild game meat is quite heavy when it comes to smell, so it is best to use more aromatic spices. The best spices for this kind of meat are bay leaf, black pepper, allspice and garlic.
Indeed, cooking deer has its subtleties, if you do not get it right the first time, the important thing is not to give up. Consider two examples of recipes for the preparation of meat from a deer:

Deer stew
Ingredients: deer meat, potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic, peppers, salt, black pepper, allspice, bay leaf, a little flour and water.
Preparation: First cook the meat, then cut it into bite sized pieces and roll them in flour. The next step is to fry them in pre-heated oil. If you are able to, use pork fat. After frying, add the cleaned and chopped vegetables - best to chop them coarsely.
Finally, add the spices and pour in some water. Let boil and pour into a pot - place in an oven and turn on medium heat. To make sure that the meat is ready, check with a fork before switching off. You can add a little lard or bacon if you want to get a greasier stew.

And here's a similar recipe, but with different products:
Deer with chives
Ingredients: deer meat, chives, mushrooms, carrots, pickles, olives, peppers and bacon, black pepper, bay leaf, allspice, garlic, tomato paste, salt.
Preparation: chop the meat into portions and fry in heated oil, then put them in a clay pot. Top with the chives, sliced carrots, mushrooms (best to use Boletus), pickles sliced into circles, peppers in strips, slices of bacon and olives.
Finally, add the garlic, a cup of red wine and top up with water until the meat is covered. Then add the spices, half a cup of tomato paste and close the lid. The pot is placed in a moderate oven. After about 3 hours, check if it is ready.