»Articles»Cooking Ideas»Three Ways to Make the Perfect Fig Jam

Three Ways to Make the Perfect Fig Jam

Plamena M.Plamena M.
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Fig Jam

Fig jam is among the tastiest of jams. You'll find that pretty much every one among the countless recipes results in a perfect and scrumptious jam. Here you'll find our collection of 3 irresistible fig jam recipes.

Fig Jam

Ingredients: 30 ripe figs, 2 lb sugar, 3 cups water, 1 tsp citric acid.

Preparation: Wash the figs. Clean them from their stems and wash them once more. Put the fruits in a suitable pot and pour on enough water to cover them. Take them out after about 5 min.

Place the figs one by one onto a towel to dry, discard the water. Boil 3 cups of water and 2 lb sugar in a suitable pot. Let it simmer for 15 min., stirring from time to time. Then begin putting the figs in it one at a time.

Let it simmer until it reaches the right consistency. Remove the foam from time to time. It's ready once a drop of it onto a plate does not run. Distribute the ready jam into jars.


Fig Jam with Walnuts

Ingredients: 5.5 lb small ripe figs, 2 lb sugar, 1 cup water, 1 tbsp citric acid, walnuts (optional).

Preparation: Wash the figs and remove the stems with some of the skins. Put them in a deep, wide pot along with half the sugar. Leave them as is for 4-5 hours.

Pour the remaining sugar over the figs and leave them to sit for about another 8 hours. Then pour in the water also and put it on the stove on medium heat. When it comes to a boil, lower the heat to a minimum. Let it simmer for about 2 hours.

After about an hour and a half, the figs that have floated up to the surface will begin to fall back down to the bottom of the pot. Check carefully with a wooden spoon or spatula, without stirring too much. The figs will be ready once a drop of the mixture does not run on a flat surface.

Remove the pot from the stove and add the citric acid. Stir carefully. If desired, add 4-5 whole walnuts. Pour the fig jam into jars while still warm, cap tightly and turn them upside down until completely cooled.

Fig Jam in the Oven


Ingredients: 6.5 lb ripe figs, 3.5 lb sugar, 1 cup water, 1 tsp citric acid.

Preparation: Remove the stems from the figs and wash them well. You can cut the larger ones in half. Put them in a deep pot along with the sugar. Leave them overnight until the sugar melts and the figs release their juice.

Transfer the figs along with the syrup into a deep oven dish. Leave them to bake for 1.5 hours at 360°F (180 °C). Stir the mixture carefully during baking. Add the citric acid 3 min. before it's finished and stir.

Pour the cooked jam into dried and warmed jars. Close them and turn them with their caps down. Leave them like this for 1 night, then put them in a dry, dark and cool area.

